
Also found in: Financial, Acronyms.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



nomadic tribes of Central and Middle Asia. Circa 160 B.C. the Usun migrated from Central Asia to Semirech’e and the Tien-Shan. In the second and first centuries B.C. they were united in a tribal association. The Usun engaged in nomadic livestock raising, especially horse raising; land cultivation and handicrafts were also highly developed among them. The Usun were headed by a gun’mo (chief), whose headquarters was in Chigu, “the City of the Red Valley,” on the southern shore of the lake Issyk-Kul’. After 125 B.C. the Usun concluded an alliance with China against the Hsiung-nu. In 51 B.C, as a result of internecine conflicts, the Usun were divided into a senior, pro-Chinese, and a junior, pro-Hsiung-nu, principality. In 42 B.C. the Hsiung-nu destroyed the Usun headquarters. The Usun are last mentioned in the fifth century A.D.


Voevodskii, M. V., and M. P. Griaznov. “U-sun’skie mogil’niki na territorii Kirgizskoi SSR.” Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1938, no. 3.
Bernshtam, A. N. “K voprosu ob usunl’//kushan i tokharakh.” Sovetskaia etnografiia, 1947, no. 3.
Zuev, Iu. A. “K etnicheskoi istorii usunei.” Trudy In-ta istorii, arkheologii i etnografii AN Kazakhskoi SSR, 1960, vol. 8.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
He told us that he is one of the descendants of the Penan Paro who migrated from the Luar River in the Usun Apau via the Menavan River, crossing the Kemawang pass into the Dapoi, a tributary of the Tinjar.
(0.2) I know that I had it in the classroom.' (6) A: /--/ .h e mm siis e mm (suunad) me panime ara, then directions we put:IMF:1PL ARA ja sellele katte peale, niet ma usun and this:ALL cover:GEN on so I believe:1SG see peaks toimima koik.
Particularly during the Lodge period, USUN had developed a startling will to autonomy and at times enjoyed an actual autonomy.
Usun, "Privatization of Land and Farm Restructuring," 5.
The evidence, interestingly, is in the form of borrowed words between Kajang languages and Western-Lowland Kenyah, a subgroup within the larger Kenyah group whose homeland is the Usun Apau watershed (Smith 2015b).
His other postings include USUN, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
* The conferees expect the State Department and USUN to evaluate and prioritize peacekeeping missions, and consider phase-out and withdrawal when mission goals have been substantially achieved;
Bu baglamda David Hume, usun rolune iliskin aciklamalariyla cagdas feministler icin onemli bir esin kaynagi olmustur.
Therefore, computers have gained more importance than any other educational technology (Usun, 2004).
Uhistuu arheoloogia ning linnauurimise vahel on soovitatav ja usun, et see voiks olla molemale poolele vagagi tulus.