
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a genus of perennial herbs of the family Gramin-eae. The inflorescence is a panicle; the spikelets are two- to five-flowered. There are about 60 species, distributed in nontropical regions of both hemispheres and in high-elevation tropics. The USSR has more than 15 species, growing in meadows, in glades, on rocky slopes, and in tundras. Many species are valuable hay and pasture plants. The species T. spicatum grows in the arctic and in the mountains of Siberia, Middle Asia, and the Far East. T. sibiricum is found in the European USSR, Siberia, Middle Asia, and the Far East; T. flavescens (formerly T. pratense) occurs in the European USSR, the Caucasus, and the Kopetdag.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
H x NR Poaceae Trisetum oreophilum Louis- H x x x Marie Poaceae Trisetum spicatum (L.) H x x NR K.Richt.
Gray B,C,E,P,S [Sand Dropseed] Trisetum interruptum Buckley E,Ha [Prairie Trisetum] Polemoniaceae Phlox pilosa L.
En la Universidad de Duke laboro como Instructor de 1967 a 1968 y como Profesor Asistente en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte de 1968 a 1973, estudiando las gramineas con enfasis en los generos Festuca, Eragrostis y Trisetum. Durante estos periodos realizo extensas expediciones a Mexico donde desarrollo su gusto e interes por nuestro pais.
Pooideae Brachypodium 1 spp., Bromus 6 [29 generos, 136 spp., Melica 1 spp., Triniochloa 1 spp.] spp., Agrostis 7 spp., Alopecurus 2 spp., Anthoxantum 1 spp., Avena 3 spp., Calamagrostis 20 spp., Dactylis 1 spp., Dielsiochloa 1 spp., Festuca 25 spp., Koeleria 2 spp., Lolium 1 spp., Poidium 1 spp., Polypogon 2 spp., Trisetum 3 spp., Poa 30 spp., Vulpia 3 spp., Aciachne 2 spp., Anatherostipa 1 spp., Jarava 4 spp., Nassella 8 spp., Orthachne 1 spp., Piptochaetium 1 spp., Elymus 1 spp., Hordeum 1spp., Secale 1 spp.,
-- -- -- -- x Taxa Artemisia granatensis -- -- -- x x Festuca frigida -- -- -- x x Ranunculus alismoides -- -- -- x x Trisetum glaciale -- -- -- x x Iberis embergeri -- -- -- x x Pedicularis verticillata subsp.
Seed germination and vivipary from a latitudinal series of populations of the arctic-alpine grass Trisetum spicatum.
The important guild grass genera, similar in grazing fodder consideration, are perennials of Festuca L., Hordeum L., Phleum L., PoaL., Stipa L., Trisetum Pers., and Sporobolus R.
Shasta, ridge south of Horse Camp, elevation 8250 ft, on culms of Trisetum spicatum (L.) Richter, 2 July 1947 W.B.
y Trisetum sp.; 2) nanchal: areas semi-abiertas compuestas en su mayoria por herbaceas y arbustos; la densidad de los arbustos es mayor que la de los pastos y la especie predominante es el "nanche" (Byrsonima crassifolia); 3) selva baja caducifolia: areas cerradas, compuestas por arbustos espinosos y caducifolios y por arboles de aproximadamente 4 m de altura.
Tolerance to sand burial, trampling, and drought of two subarctic coastal plant species (Leymus mollis and Trisetum spicatum).