transition metal

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transition metal

[tran′zish·ən ‚med·əl]
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Crystal field theory via gemstone color makes for a nearly perfect model to explain the transition metal d-orbital splitting phenomena in ceramic glaze color.
The present review aims to focus the attention on the progresses achieved employing transition metal complexes, designed according to the inspiration devoted to the bioinorganic approach, as catalysts to promote carbon dioxide (C[O.sub.2]) two-electron reduction.
The chemical composition of shale oil samples derived from raw oil shale or oil shale blended with transition metal salts was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, which was conducted on a Thermo SCIENTIFIC gas chromatograph equipped with a Trace 1300-ISQ mass spectrometer.
Preparation of Schiff Base Transition Metal Complexes: A methanolic solution (50mL) of Cephradine (1 mmol, 0.365g) was mixed with sugars (1 mmol) dissolved in methanol (50mL).
According to Harold Morowitz of George Mason University (GMU), Vijayasarathy Srinivasan of GMU, and Eric Smith of the Santa Fe Institute, molecular structures involving transition metal elements (iron, copper, nickel, etc.) and ligands (small organic molecules) could have catalyzed the synthesis of basic biochemicals (monomers) that acted as building blocks for more complex molecules, leading ultimately to the origin of life.
The ligands may attach at one or more atomic orbitals of the transition metal. As many as nine attachments are possible owing to the 2s, 6p, and 10d orbitals (18 electrons leading to 9 coordinate bonds).
The liquid cleaning composition contains a bleaching agent and one or more organic or inorganic acids, while the solid state catalyst is selected from a group consisting of a copper salt, a cobalt salt, a transition metal and a transition metal compound.
This inner transition metal has an atomic mass of 167.26.
% containing repeating units derived from at least one isoolefin monomer, more than 4.1 mol % of repeating units derived from at least one multiolefin monomer and optionally further copolymerizable monomers in the presence of Al[Cl.sub.3] and a suitable proton source (e.g., water) or cationogen, and at least one multiolefin crosslinking agent, wherein the process is conducted in the absence of transition metal compounds and organic nitro compounds.

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