Tractor Engine

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Tractor Engine


Internal-combustion engines are used for tractors. Tractors produced in the USSR have four-stroke diesel engines.

The power of a tractor engine depends on the class of the tractor and may range from 14.8 to 368 kilowatts (kW), or 20 to 500 hp, at 800–2,500 rpm. The most common dieseis are four-cylinder and six-cylinder water-cooled engines; air-cooled dieseis with a power of up to 74 kW (100 hp) are also used. Diesels more powerful than 147 kW (200 hp) may have a V-shaped cylinder arrangement, and they may also have turbosupercharging. Diesel tractor engines have low specific fuel consumption (70 kg per joule, or 185 g per hp-hr) and high reliability and durability (more than 500 hr of operation before overhaul).

Outside the USSR, two-stroke dieseis and carburetor-type internal-combustion engines are sometimes used in tractors.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
His father Ioan told the inquest in Ruthin that he was puzzled when he heard the sound of the tractor engine at a constant speed, and when he investigated he found his son lying alongside the tractor in the silage yard, which was empty apart from some farm machinery.
Hart-Parr built the first practical internal combustion tractor engine, was the first factory to build tractors on a production line basis and, although the term "tractor" wasn't coined by Hart-Parr, as is often claimed, they were perhaps the first to apply it to what was then called a "gasoline traction engine."
With no water emerging, he left the tractor engine running, got down from the cab and went to check the machinery.
Deu Chereuk, Preah Net Preah deputy police chief, said Choeun Samon, 32, was killed in the explosion after he used a mortar bomb, which he thought was an ordinary piece of steel, to pound his tractor engine while attempting to fix it.
To activate the ethanol powered tractor engine, the fuel injection system was modified by replacing the injector nozzles for spark plugs and the rotary injection pump for an electronic module responsible for injection and ignition control, to ensure that the engine would function optimally.
Bob Biswell, of the Western Steam Fiends Association, helped display a steam tractor engine built by the J.
He said that his company is developing the tractor engine, generator and other automats of the international level that are being exported to 32 countries of the globe.
During the technological process of drilling, tractor engine were running in the modes when cyclic fuel injection quantity were in the range of 60-120 mg.
Typical operation modes of the tractor engine include idle speed, partial load, nominal load and overload.
At recommended tractor engine load, when its power was utilized at least 80%, the first tractor operated approximately 25% of total operational period, or approximately 50% of "technological" time (when engine power was 60-160 kW).
Its first commercial application is tractor engine covers molded at India's Harita Seating Systems Ltd.
Caterpillar says it has improved the 621G, 623G, and 627G wheel tractor scrapers with a new tractor engine, the Cat C15 with ACERT Technology.