Traction Motor

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Traction Motor


an electric motor used to drive vehicles such as electric locomotives and trains, diesel-electric locomotives and ships, and streetcars, trolleys, and other electric vehicles. Traction motors may use alternating or direct current, and they may have individual or group electric drive to transmit the torque from the engine shaft to the propulsion mechanism. They also may differ with respect to the cooling system; self-ventilation is used in motors with a power of up to 250 kilowatts, and independent and mixed ventilation are used for more powerful motors (seeCOOLING OF ELECTRIC MACHINES).

DC motors, single-phase AC commutator motors, and three-phase asynchronous motors are most commonly used as traction motors. Sealed traction motors are made for vehicles operating under hazardous explosion conditions. The power of modern traction motors ranges from a few kilowatts to several megawatts.


Podvizhnoi sostav elektricheskikh zheleznykh dorog: Tiagovye elektromashiny i transformatory, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1968.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Furthermore, by type of system, it includes direct current traction motor, alternating current traction motor, and synchronous alternating current traction motor.
Summary: According to FactMR, the global EV traction motor market is expected to represent a value of US$ 14,924 Mn by 2026-end.
French automaker Groupe PSA (PAR: UG) and Japanese electric motor manufacturer Nidec Corp., through Nidec Leroy-Somer Holding, plan to work together in the field of electric traction motor, the companies said.
5 December 2017 - French automaker Groupe PSA (PAR: UG) and Japanese electric motor manufacturer Nidec Corp., through Nidec Leroy-Somer Holding, plan to work together in the field of electric traction motor, the companies said.
where m--efficiency of the asynchronous traction motor (ATM) circuit--standalone voltage inverter (SVI), [U.sub.op] the operation mode of an electromotive railway rolling stock (ERRS), [F.sub.d]--traction or braking force created by ERRS, [F'.sub.k]--limitation for engagement force of wheel rail contact, v--railway rolling stock speed, [v.sub.max] constructive movement speed.
Consequently, Schaeffler UK decided to investigate whether depot-based vibration measurements, using an underfloor wheel lathe to rotate the wheelset, could be used to assess the condition of the traction motor and gearbox.
The operational reliability of railway rolling stock, in particular passenger trains, is key in maximising availability and is highly dependent on the health of the drive system--the traction motor and gearbox.
GE's prototype traction motor operates at a peak power level of 55 kW and exceeds state-of-the-art motors in the same class in several key areas:
The traction motor power connector now includes a color-coded power mounting flange with built-in locking keys to prevent the contact cable from slipping during use.