thiamine hydrochloride

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thiamine hydrochloride

[′thī·ə·mən ¦hī·drə′klȯr‚īd]
(organic chemistry)
C12H17·ON4S·HCl White, hygroscopic crystals soluble in water, insoluble in ether, with a yeasty aroma and a salty, nutlike taste, decomposes at 247°C; the form in which thiamine is generally employed.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Pharmaceutical company Mylan Inc (NasdaqGS:MYL) reported on Thursday the receipt of final approval for its Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for preservative-free Thiamine Hydrochloride Injection, 100 mg/mL, packaged in 200 mg/2 mL multiple-dose vials.
According to the label, each tablet contained pyridoxine 10 mg, pantothenic acid 10 mg, thiamine hydrochloride 2 mg, bovine thyroid 60 mg, adrenal tissue 25 mg, pituitary tissue 5 mg, spleen tissue 15 mg, thymus 15 mg, and kelp 30 mg.
FOR MORE THAN 50 years, vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) has been touted as a cure-all for transplant shock.
M2 EQUITYBITES-June 28, 2012-Mylan Inc.receives approval for Abbreviated New Drug Application for Thiamine Hydrochloride Injection(C)2012 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
Thiamine hydrochloride was administered as nervine tonic.