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a port in NW France, at the mouth of the River Loire: German submarine base in World War II; shipbuilding. Pop.: 65 874 (1999)
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Mr Watson, a second lieutenant with No.2 Commando, was among the brave band who took part in the attack on the Nazi-held French port of St Nazaire, dubbed 'the greatest raid of all', on March 28, 1942.
St Nazaire raid veteran and former POW Bill"Tiger"Watson
Neil Harrison wrote: "I met Bill on HMS Campbeltown during the 69th anniversary of the commando raid at St Nazaire. He was a brilliant man to talk to and a true legend."
The front fuselage was previously delivered from St Nazaire to the A350 XWB final assembly line on 23rd December 2011.
Mor Design undertook extensive research into the St Nazaire raid before developing the design, which aimed not only to enhance an existing memorial but also to increase visitors' understanding of the event itself.
St Brevin is sited across the mouth of the mighty River Loire from the port of St Nazaire and had a surprise waiting for us after a four-hour drive from the ferry.
Anyone arriving in St Nazaire after dark might wonder what is causing the alien glow on the roof of a monumental structure on the western side of the port.
In 2006 a selection of the places to be visited includes Ypres and the Somme, Normandy, Arnhem, Reichswald, Rheinberg, St Nazaire, Ardennes and the Dambuster Raid.
STONE 2/3-bedroom house in village of St Nazaire de Ladarez, 35 minutes from coast.
Today's official arrival was tempered out of respect for 15 people who died after a walkway linking the ship and dock collapsed at St Nazaire yard in western France.
Luc Ronchi, spokesman for the General Hospital in St Nazaire, said an emergency programme had been put in place.