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Sport a number of players from which a team is to be selected
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a military unit of from six to 12 persons.

Squads are found in the armed forces of most countries. They are a constituent part of a platoon, including motorized rifle (infantry), reconnaissance, combat engineer, and signal platoons. A squad is usually commanded by a sergeant. In battle the squad ordinarily operates as part of a platoon, but sometimes it may also carry out independent missions (for example, in reconnaissance and for security on the march and in bivouac).

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
DECLAN KIDNEY will wait until after this weekend to name his Ireland squad for the senior tour to North America and the Ireland A squad for the Churchill Cup.
The Football League has already agreed that at least four out of the 16 players in match-day squads have to have come through the ranks of clubs in England and Wales for next season.
To be included in the squads are those who have been sanctioned with reprimand, suspension, demotion, or forfeiture of salaries and benefits.
Meanwhile, James Vince, already in both the squads, has been named in the squad for five-match ODI series against Pakistan.
Management can make changes in their announced squads before May 23.
Australia and India have already announced their squads for the upcoming International Cricket Council World Cup 2019.
LAHORE -- Pakistan women's selection committee Saturday announced the 15-player Pakistan women's squads for next month's ICC Women's Championship and Twenty20 International series against South Africa.
THREE students from Ashington Shotokan Karate Club have been selected for the Karate Union of Great Britain England squads for 2019.
The competition will be held in First-Person and Third-Person perspective modes and based on the points gained by registered squads playing together during the In-Game Qualifier phase, which will take place between January 21 to January 28.
CHR: Death squads not allowed under international law !-- -- MANILA, Philippines The creation of death squads is not allowed under principles of international humanitarian law, according to Commission on Human Rights (CHR) chairman Chito Gascon.