Sovetskii Sport

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Sovetskii Sport


(Soviet Sports), a daily newspaper and organ of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. Published in Moscow, Sovetskii sport is the first Soviet sports newspaper. It was founded in 1924 under the name Krasnyi sport (Red Sports) and received its present name in 1946; it was not published from 1928 to 1932.

Sovetskii sport propagandizes the policies of the CPSU in the development of physical culture and sports, deals with the sports programs of trade unions, the Komsomol, and physical culture organizations, and provides news on sports in the USSR and abroad and the activities of Soviet and international sports organizations. The newspaper also helps organize traditional international and all-Union competitions in various sports, including ice hockey, track and field, volleyball, swimming, and skiing.

With a circulation of 3.9 million (1975), Sovetskii sport has the largest circulation of all sports newspapers of the world and is distributed in 104 countries. It was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1974.

Sovetskii sport has two weekly supplements: one on soccer and hockey, Futbol-khokkei (published since 1960), and one on chess and checkers, 64 (since 1968). The Sovetskii Sport Publishing House publishes the semimonthly newspaper Sport za rubezhom (Sports Abroad), a bulletin of the Sports Committee of the USSR.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
I made a habit of getting up early to catch a copy of Sovetskii sport before it sold out (it always did).
The title of the paper was "Soviet Spectator Sport: Stalinism or Good, Clean Fun?" Aside from my own experiences, I signed up for a subscription to Sovetskii sport, which I would read regularly (it would get to me after a two-week delay) and clip articles.
In that time, I met the chief basketball writer for Sovetskii sport, Vladimir Titorenko, and we also became good friends.
Na propria imprensa sovietica --em particular no jornal esportivo diario Sovetskii Sport, que era uma producao oficial do Comite Estatal para Cultura Fisica e Esportes e do Conselho Central de Sindicatos de Toda a Uniao e chegava a ter circulacao diaria de cinco milhoes de exemplares em 1988--, elas eram retratadas como detentoras de um dom natural, desenvolvido com trabalho duro e as recomendacoes de seus mentores e treinadores.
Tais condecoracoes e eventos internacionais foram amplamente divulgados pelo governo sovietico e por jornais de grande circulacao no pais, como o Sovetskii Sport. Em 1971, ela foi escolhida pela Federacao de Jornalistas Esportivos da Uniao Sovietica como uma das principais atletas do ano na sua parceria com Alexei Ulanov.
Finally, in September, after avoiding the issue for several weeks, the national sports daily, Sovetskii Sport ran the league standings.
Mikhail Iakushin defended himself in his memoirs, and the veteran sports writer, Arkadii Galinskii, attacked their case in a series of articles appearing in Sovetskii sport. Both Iakushin and Galinskii found sufficient reason within the sphere of sport alone to explain the Soviets' quick exit from the Olympic soccer competition.
An extensive historiographical overview of Soviet and Russian literature on Soviet physical culture and sport is available in Aleksandr Sunik, Ocherki otechestvennoi istoriografii istorii flzicheskoi kul'tury i sporta (Moscow: Sovetskii sport, 2010).
Two days after the cup final, the several million subscribers to the newspaper Sovetskii sport could read how the "stands of the V.
Sovetskii sport published, for example, an interview with the coach of Chernomorets Odessa under the heading "The Reporter Reads a Letter," claiming that fan mail was the reason why the newspaper set up the interview in the first place.
During the 1966 World Cup in England, some fans of Dynamo Kiev from L'vov oblast' wrote to Sovetskii sport in Moscow.
The abovementioned letter from the L'vov region to Sovetskii sport was typical in that it contained no conflict between local patriotism and Soviet discourse.