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a state of NW Mexico, on the Gulf of California: consists of a narrow coastal plain rising inland to the Sierra Madre Occidental; an important mining area in colonial times. Capital: Hermosillo. Pop.: 2 213 370 (2000). Area: 184 934 sq. km (71 403 sq. miles)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


A summer thunderstorm in the mountains and deserts of southern California and Baja California.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a state in Mexico, on the northwestern coast of the Pacific Ocean. Area, 184,900 sq km. Population, 1.283 million (1974). The capital is Hermosillo. Most of the agricultural land is irrigated. Sonora grows cotton for export and wheat for domestic consumption. It has cotton-ginning and food-processing enterprises. Nonferrous metallurgy is also practiced in the cities of Cananea and Nacozari de García.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Finalmente percebemos que e muito importante a preocupacao com que o paciente pensa e sente no momento de decidir sobre o uso de aparelhos de amplificacao sonora individual.
We have 30 clients in six cities in Sonora. I travel easily between the USA and Mexico.
In conjunction with the Pinacate Reserve, the University of Arizona, AGFD, and others, we are implementing a conservation plan for the endemic and at-risk species of the Rio Sonoyta, a rare lowland desert stream and spring system in northwestern Sonora and southwestern Arizona.
"Our significant investment demonstrates our belief in the viability of the Sonora project and its ability to become a world class operation and support Ganfeng's strategy of growing to a 100,000 tonne a year lithium producer.
The Chinese firm has the option to take its direct stake in Sonora up to 50% and ahs set up offtake deals for most of the prospect's lithium output.
The study area comprised 3 localities in Sonora (Yecora, 28[degrees]22'16"N, 108[degrees]55'32"W; Matarachi, 28[degrees]73'54"N, 108[degrees]95'87"W; and Mulatos, 28[degrees]65'85"N, 108[degrees]74'78"W) (Figure), each with a humid subtropical climate situated at [approximately equal to] 1,500 m, with vegetation comprising predominantly oak forests and grasslands (Appendix Figure, panel A, https://
We are confident that the outstanding funds will be secured which will enable us to move into the construction phase at Sonora,' BLP CEO Peter Secker said in a statement posted on its website.