Sliding Shelves

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Sliding Shelves


a system of cabinets or shelving with a manual or electric drive for moving the shelves along guide rails that are either suspended or run along the floor. Sliding shelves are used in warehouses, libraries, archives, and other storage areas. The shelves are placed close to one another and, as needed, can be moved singly or in groups into a free space the size of one row of shelves. The main advantage of sliding shelves is the highly efficient use of storage space.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Built with heavy 13-gauge steel mesh sides, JOBOX cabinets feature bright white sliding shelves, making contents highly visible and accessible.
The LeVeille's most recent project was this year when they worked with their DESIGNfirst team to finish their basement by adding hardwood flooring, a bar, built-in sliding shelves with hidden storage and a full bathroom with walk-in shower.
Moreover, with the Folding and Sliding Shelves, storing food items of any shape or size has never been more convenient.
It can be adjusted to fit all shoes, from thigh-length boots to kitten heels with movable sliding shelves. I think it's the only product of its kind on the market!
Maximum storage was created with sharp new features, such as a rollout pantry, multiple drawers, sliding shelves and circular racks offering easy access to former dead spaces.
We then dressed up the base with veneered plywood, trimmed the bench with hardwood, and added heavy-duty drawers and sliding shelves for storing tools and supplies.
Nice things about a Frigidaire that will appeal to women are its stream lines (fit in with modern furnishing designs), the white porcelain it's made of (whiteness frightens bacteria, and the porcelain cleans up easily and doesn't chip), its rounded corners, its sliding shelves (bring everything to your reach, and, incidentally, can't fall out), and the light inside which goes on whenever you open the door.
Four welders of the customer's choice Miller XMT 304, 46MP or Lincoln Invertec V350-Pro Invertors 50/60 Hz--are mounted in a lockable box and vibration mounted, with sliding shelves for ease of servicing.
Four welders of the customer's choice--Miller XMT 304, 46MP or Lincoln Invertec V350-Pro Invertors 50/60 Hz--are mounted in a lockable box and vibration mounted, with sliding shelves for ease of servicing.