Roman order

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Roman order

1. A seldom-used term for the composite order.
2. Same as arch order, 1.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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He restored the ancient Roman order with the aesthetic and moral sense of a great artist as well as a unique personal authority: 'A born ruler, he governed the minds of men as the wind drives the clouds.' Caesar's achievement was so magnificent that even Mommsen, in the end, eloquently despaired of describing it: 'As the artist can paint everything save only consummate beauty, so the historian, when once in a thousand years he encounters the perfect, can only be silent regarding it.'
The feudal system established on the wreck of the old Roman order was a system of detailed obligations which extended from king to serf.
In the end, it may have been the barbarian, Persian, and ultimately Muslim invasions that put an end to the old Roman order, and not domestic disaffection.
In chapters 5 and 6, Crocker explores liturgy, emphasizing the development of early Christian music as "rational selection" from practices of pagan antiquity and examining the Mass using Ordo Romanus I, a Roman order of service from the early eighth century.
Tacitus also employs this rhetorical strategy with a view to reaffirming and asserting the need for Roman order and authority over Britain's peoples.
The Roman order idealized by Cicero could not effectively rule a diverse polyglot and multiethnic population of subject peoples, any more than the U.S.
Berkowitz correctly thinks that the gladiators were peoples marginal to the Roman order. "A criminal condemned to death in the Roman Empire might, among other penalties, end up either decapitated, exposed to wild beasts, crucified, burned alive, or condemned to be a gladiator, depending on his or her social status and on the nature of the crime." (6) Berkowitz posits that Roman authority can assert itself only through mimicry.
Luke's Advent, Epiphany, and Transfiguration stories are embedded in Israel's social, political, and religious world in the constant presence of the Roman order. As the Apostle Paul on trial before the Jewish King Agrippa II and the Roman procurator Festus declared, "this was not done in a corner" (Acts 26:26).
I became very cross later when I was told by some pedant that nothing mysterious or terrible had actually happened to the Ninth Legion -- its disappearance from the Roman order of battle in Britain was merely an administrative matter.
To many Greeks, at least, the Roman order offered a relief from the dynastic and territorial wars that sometimes seem more like terrorism than warfare.
Those who have heard Mark's story of Jesus performed have witnessed God coming in strength to heal and restore people in his Galilean ministry, and they have traveled with Jesus to Jerusalem where they have seen him falsely accused and executed as an enemy of the Roman order. The "darkness over the whole land" (15:33) and the rending of the temple veil (15:39) signify God's judgment of those who presided over this religio-political order.
Ram Piyari Mahal reflects a classical and alluring combination of Greek and Roman orders of architecture.