

(vertebrate zoology)
The cow-nosed rays, a family of batoid sharks having a fleshy pad at the front end of the head and a well-developed poison spine.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
A massive school of cownose rays, Rhinoptera bonasus, (Rhinopteridae), in Lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia.
The cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus Mitchill, 1815 belongs to the Rhinopteridae family.
Las variaciones mas comunes descritas en la literatura, se presentan en la forma, disposicion y cantidad de los dientes de Rajiformes (Rhinopteridae, Rajidae) y Myliobatiformes (Gudger, 1933).
Cownose rays (Rhinopteridae) include at least 7 species (Compagno 2005) of coastal pelagic rays that often travel in large schools.
Distribution and abundance of cownose rays, Rhinoptera bonasus (Rhinopteridae), in lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia.