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1. the overthrow or repudiation of a regime or political system by the governed
2. (in Marxist theory) the violent and historically necessary transition from one system of production in a society to the next, as from feudalism to capitalism
a. the orbital motion of one body, such as a planet or satellite, around another
b. one complete turn in such motion
4. Geology Obsolete a profound change in conditions over a large part of the earth's surface, esp one characterized by mountain building
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


1. Orbital motion of a celestial body about a center of gravitational attraction, such as the Sun, another star, or a planet, as distinct from axial rotation. See also direct motion.
2. One complete circuit of a celestial body about a gravitational center. The Earth takes one year to make one revolution around the Sun.
Collins Dictionary of Astronomy © Market House Books Ltd, 2006


  1. (political and social) ‘the seizure of STATE power through violent means by the leaders of a mass movement where that power is subsequently used to initiate major processes of social reform’ GIDDENS,1989). This distinguishes revolutions from COUPS D’ÉTAT, which involve the use of force to seize power but without transforming the class structure and political system, and without mass support. The 20th century has seen revolutions occurring not in industrial societies but in rural peasant societies like Russia (1917), China (1949) and North Vietnam (1954). Various theories exist to try to explain revolutionary change, of which the most influential have been Marxist. An example of the application of MARXISM in an actual revolutionary situation is provided by LENIN in the context of Russia. He argues that a revolutionary situation is created when three elements come into play: when the masses can no longer live in the old way, the ruling classes can no longer rule in the old way, and when the suffering and poverty of the exploited and oppressed class has grown more acute than is usual. But the revolution will only be successful when the most crucial condition is fulfilled: the existence of a VANGUARD PARTY with the necessary Marxist programme, strategy, tactics and organizational discipline to guarantee victory. In her comparative study of revolutions Skocpol (1979) criticizes Marxist theories of revolution and argues for a state-centred approach. Specifically, she views international pressures such as wars or upper-class resistance to state reform as key factors leading to the breakdown of the administrative and military apparatus which in turn paves the way for revolution. See also MOORE, REVOLUTION FROM ABOVE.
  2. (social) any major change in key aspects of a society which leads to a change in the nature of that society. This may refer to economic transformation, as in the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, to changes in individual behaviour, as in the concept of a modern revolution in sexual behaviour’, or to a revolution in knowledge, as in the 'scientific revolution’ in 17th-century Europe, which laid the basis for all later developments in modern SCIENCE. Usage in this second sense tends to be highly variable, and may refer to comparatively long periods of time.
Originally, in the 17th century the concept of revolution referred to the process ‘of passing through the stages of a cycle that ultimately lead back to a condition that is identical or similar to some antecedent one’. Today such CYCLES OR CYCLICAL PHENOMENA are not usually referred to as ‘revolutions’.

One important issue in the study of revolutions (in sense 1 or 2) is whether they form part of a more overarching ‘evolutionary’ or ‘developmental’ sequence in human affairs (see EVOLUTIONARY THEORY, EVOLUTIONARY SOCIOLOGY) or should receive only a more EPISODIC CHARACTERIZATION.

Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000


A little-used term to describe a time of profound crustal movements, on a continentwide or worldwide scale, which led to abrupt geographic, climatic, and environmental changes that were related to changes in forms of life.
The motion of a body around a closed orbit.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


A cross-platform, interpreted programming language from RunRev Ltd., Edinburgh, Scotland, LiveCode allows programmers to write the source code once and deploy to Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android platforms. More like English, the language is devoid of cryptic symbols as found in C/C++, Java and many other programming languages. LiveCode derives its name because, like most interpreted languages, small sections of code can be executed independently without having to compile the entire program.

Formerly Runtime Revolution
LiveCode was formerly Runtime Revolution, named because of the target runtime engine that is packaged with the app. Revolution was originally MetaCard, a HyperCard-like language acquired by the company. Following is a source code example of opening a file named "a.xml" in LiveCode and C. See runtime engine and HyperCard.

In LiveCode
  open file a.xml for read

  In C
Copyright © 1981-2019 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a profound qualitative change in the development of a phenomenon of nature, society, or knowledge, for example, the geological revolution, the industrial revolution, the scientific and technological revolution, the cultural revolution, and the revolution in physics and philosophy. The concept of revolution is most frequently used in describing social development. (See.)

The concept is an integral aspect of the dialectical conception of development. It reveals the internal mechanism of the law of the transformation of quantitative into qualitative changes. Revolution means a break in gradualness, a qualitative leap in development. It differs from evolution—the gradual development of a process—and also from reform. Between revolution and reform there exists a complex correlation determined by the concrete historical content of the revolution and the reform.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.