Rehbock weir formula

Rehbock weir formula

[′rā‚bäk ′wer ‚fȯr·myə·lə]
(fluid mechanics)
Probably the most accurate formula for the rate of flow of water over a rectangular suppressed weir; it includes a correction for the velocity of approach for normal, or fairly uniform, velocity distribution in the upstream channel; the formula is Q = [3.234 + 5.347/(320 h- 3) + 0.428 h / d0] lh 3/2, where Q is the flow rate in cubic feet per second, l is the width of the weir in feet, h is the head of water above the crest of the weir in feet, and d0 is the height of weir or depth of water at zero head in feet.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.