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1. any of the prickly shrubs of the rosaceous genus Rubus, such as R. strigosus of E North America and R. idaeus of Europe, that have pinkish-white flowers and typically red berry-like fruits (drupelets)
a. the fruit of any such plant
b. (as modifier): #5raspberry jelly
3. black raspberry
a. a related plant, Rubus occidentalis, of E North America, that has black berry-like fruits
b. the fruit of this plant
a. a dark purplish-red colour
b. (as adjective): a raspberry coat
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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A super multi-use wonder plant. The berries are great, but the leaves provide a different nutritional value that you can't get from the berries. Plants can produce berries 3 times a year. The edible leaves come up early in springtime and keep coming all year until cold frost. Leaves make a great tea. Raspberry is an astringent, stimulant, cancer-fighter, parasite-killer, helps get rid of diarrhea. soothes wounds and ulcers, stomach ailments, diarrhea, good for pregnancy, menses, uterine relaxant, high in Vitamin C, tones mucus membranes, kidneys, urinary tract, arrests hemorrhaging, excessive vaginal discharge, mouthwash, bleeding gums, canker sores. (can be applied as tea) It tonifies and cleanses tissues and organs, purifies and strengthens the blood. A great plant for women because it tonifies, strengthens and mends the whole reproductive system; regulates menses, great before and during pregnancy, facilitating easier labor. Also strengthens and nourishes the male reproductive system. For people who have diarrhea in the wintereven though the raspberry bushes have no leaves or fruit, take a few inches of the stem (stick) break it up and make tea out of it. This should clear up the diarrhea. It calms the intestinal tract to slow down the loss of fluids. Raspberry seeds are one of the best sources of ellagic acid, which is great for fighting fungus, mold, yeast and even cancer. It inhibits the fungal and yeast enzyme Chitin Synthase II, which all fungi and yeast need to grow. When they die at the natural end of their life cycle, they cannot be replaced as long as the Chitin Synthase II enzyme is inhibited. Since this is not a human enzyme, it’s inhibition does us no harm. Ellagic acid also unspools bacterial DNA so bacteria dies. It also tells cancerous cells to self-destruct so tumors can’t grow. And all this is found in the seeds of red raspberries! The seeds need to be broken open to release this good stuff, so freezing, powdering, blending or grinding is recommended. Raspberries can be red, black or yellow. Almost identical to blackberries.
Edible Plant Guide © 2012 Markus Rothkranz


Any of several species of upright shrubs of the genus Rubus, with perennial roots and prickly biennial stems, in the order Rosales; the edible black or red juicy berries are aggregate fruits, and when ripe they are easily separated from the fleshy receptacle.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


symbol of regret and grief. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 177]
See: Regret
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a plant of the genus Rubus of the family Rosaceae. It is a deciduous subshrub measuring 1-3 m tall. The underground part of the plant is perennial and consists of a rootstock and numerous lateral roots that form suckers. The aboveground part consists of green, red, or violet biennial or annual canes with spines varying in size and shape. The leaves are ternate or pinnately compound; less frequently, they are palmate. The white, bisexual flowers are in racemes or corymbs. The fruit (berry) is a red, yellow, or purple-black compound drupe, which can be easily separated from its torus (in contrast to blackberries). Flowering occurs in May and June (25-30 days), and the berries ripen in July.

There are more than 120 known species of raspberries, found primarily in the temperate and subtropical regions of Asia, America, and Europe. Raspberries are cultivated in the USSR, the United States, and Europe. Their range of distribution extends to 62°-64° N lat. In the USSR, raspberries are cultivated mainly in Moscow, Leningrad, Kursk, and Voronezh oblasts, in the Ukrainian SSR, in the Byelorussian SSR, in the Ural region, and in some regions of Siberia. Raspberries, which have been known since the third century B.C., have been cultivated since the fourth century A.D. Varieties appeared only in the 16th and 17th centuries; they have been cultivated in what is now the USSR since the 19th century. Cultivated varieties of raspberries have been developed from the European red raspberry (Rubus idaeus), the blackcap (R. occidentalis), the wild red raspberry (R. strigosus), and R. neglectus (a hybrid of R. occidentalis and R. strigosus).

The fruits, or raspberries, depending on the variety, contain 5.7-11.5 percent sugars, 1-2 percent organic acids, 9.1-44 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of fruit, vitamin B, carotene (provitamin A), and aromatics. They are eaten fresh or processed (jam, juice, syrup, wine). A decoction from the dried fruits is used as a diaphoretic; raspberries are also used fresh in diaphoretic preparations (teas). Syrups from the fruits are used to improve the flavor of medicines. The fruit yield is up to 10 tons per hectare (ha).

In the USSR more than 70 varieties of raspberries have been regionalized, the most common being English, Vislukha, Volzhanka, Herbert, Kaliningrad, Kaluzhanka, King, Crimson Mammoth, Cuthbert, Marlboro, Novost’ Kuz’mina, Turner, Usanka, and Progress. There are remontant varieties (English), which bear fruit twice a year, in the spring and autumn. Raspberries are propagated primarily from root suckers, root cuttings, and division of shrubs; seeds are used only when developing new varieties.

Raspberries should be planted on level or gently sloping land that is protected from prevailing cold winds. The soil must be fertile, loose, well-drained, and sufficiently moist. Raspberry shrubs will not grow on heavy, clayey sierozems. The groundwater must be no closer than 1.5 m to the soil surface. Raspberries are planted in rows that usually extend from north to south and are 2.5-3 m apart. The plants are spaced 0.75 m. apart. Raspberry plantings are made in the spring before the opening of the buds or in the fall after leaf fall. Before planting, 80-90 tons/ha of manure or compost are applied to the soil. After planting, the shrubs are watered (2-3 liters per shrub), and the soil is mulched with manure or humus.

Care includes stirring and loosening the soil, weeding, annually applying organic and mineral fertilizers, pruning the old fruiting canes in the fall, and tying the shrubs to trellises or stakes. In the fall, nine or ten of the strongest annual shoots are left on the shrub; they are cut back to a length of 1.3-1.5 m. In the winter the shoots of two neighboring raspberry shrubs are bent toward one another and tied. In the spring, before interrow tillage, the shrubs are untied.

The principal insect pests of raspberry plants are the raspberry beetle Byturus tomentosus, the strawberry weevil Anthonomus rubi, aphids, clearwings, and the Chortophia dentiens. Diseases of raspberry plants are anthracnose, rust, gray mold (causative agent Botrytis cinerea), and canker (Bacterium tumefaciens). Great damage is caused by dodder, which retards the growth and development of the plants.


Gruzdov, S. F., and N. K. Smol’ianinova. Malina i ezhevika. Moscow, 1950.
Derev’ia i kustarniki SSSR, vol. 3. Moscow-Leningrad, 1954.
Vlasov, A. V. Malina. Leningrad, 1962.
Zhukovskii, P. M. Kul’turnye rasteniia i ikh sorodichi, 3rd ed. Leningrad, 1971.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"It is such an honor to receive the MIW Group Airblazer Award the same year I'm celebrating my 25th anniversary in Dallas radio," said Rasberry. "When [the late] Kidd Kraddick hired me to be his radio wife back in 1994, he taught me the most valuable lesson I've learned in radio -- to be myself.
Although cultural representations of black war experiences have received considerable critical attention in recent years, (1) Rasberry s analysis of visual and literary culture from World War I to the Korean War brings to light continuities and disjunctions that mark out the figure of the black soldier as a "domestically threatening, but also internationally catalytic, embodiment of racial democracy's contradictions" (37).
While ASUS may have an edge hardware-wise, it is still up against the years of developer support, which the Rasberry Pi has.
They chose their outdoor wedding location of Rasberry Greene because it highlights everything beautiful that Mississippi's landscape has to offer: towering pine trees, a secluded rustic gin building and green fields that overlook a beautiful serene lake.
En un estudio de diseno longitudinal se observo y evaluo la incorporacion de la actividad fisica en la asignatura de matematicas, lo que arrojo como resultado mejoras en la funcion cognitiva (Rasberry et al., 2011).
Rasberry said: "It is often very complicated and time consuming for customers to wade through the myriad of warranty polices and get to grips with terms and conditions.
Rasberry said May failed to understand the harsh feelings among the officials of the other systems engendered by attempting to corral the bulk of a limited amount of construction funding.
"We could've still survived, if only the majors had the desire to help the black leagues," said Ted Rasberry, a Grand Rapids promoter who purchased the Stars in 1953.
Milky Lux comes in individual 150g plastic pots and is available in four flavours : peach, rasberry, strawberry and wild berries, and can be preserved for nine months.
Overall, published research suggests a large proportion of DWI offenders exhibit signs of alcohol abuse and/or dependence (Caetano & Rasberry, 2000; McCord, 1984; Pristach, Nochajski, Wieczorek, Miller, Greene, 1991; Lapham et al., 2001).
In another section of the book, Schlesinger recruits African American Washington Post columnist William Rasberry to make this point, "It is a questionable assumption that black children with only the vaguest notions of their African ancestry can be inculcated with African culture more easily than the American culture to which they are daily exposed" (p.47).