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(QuickPath Interconnect) See Core i7.
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QPI had been discussing with the NOCs of Algeria and Libya so that at least one of them could have equity in the refinery JV and to supply the plant's crude oil feedstock needs.
QPI Acquisition is a Delaware corporation that owned greater than 90 percent of the company's outstanding common stock.
This year QPI collaborated with Sheikh Eid Charity's Qatar Guest Centre to launch an initiative titled 'The Spirit of Giving' in support of labourers.
Regarding Qatar's overseas ventures, Jaidah said,"As the investment arm of QP, QPI is actively seeking opportunities that will contribute to portfolio diversification, leveraging QPI's strategic partnership with IOCs and entering into foreign markets
QPI is a Qatar state-owned company that invests through joint-ventures in the petrochemicals, gas and power sectors.
The investment is through a share capital increase in Total E&P Congo resulting in QPI holding a 15 per cent share of the company.
Parasite index for the reviewed quarter (QPI) was 0.12 in 2011 which rose to 0.39 in 2012.
Instead, however, Tamim is raising Qatar's investment profile internationally and, via the AIA and QPI, venturing into new areas including non-conventional resources on both sides of Suez.
britain's biggest energy supplier centrica and qatar Petroleum International (qPI) have acquired gas and oil assets from suncor energy in canada for c$1 billion ($987 million).
Qatar Electricity and Water Company (QEWC), Qatar Petroleum International (QPI), and Qatar Holding (QH) signed a Shareholders' Agreement to incorporate a new Qatari shareholding company that would invest in international power and water sectors.
Chicago: Exxon Mobil, the largest energy company by market value, signed an agreement with Qatar Petroleum International (QPI) outlining a plan for construction of a $10 billion natural gas export terminal in Texas.