Purgatory Chasm State Reservation

(redirected from Purgatory Chasm)

Purgatory Chasm State Reservation

Location:In the southeastern part of central Massachusetts, off Route 146 to Sutton.
Facilities:Visitor center, picnic area, restrooms (é), trails, scenic viewing area.
Activities:Hiking, cross-country skiing, rock climbing, hunting (with restrictions), interpretive programs.
Special Features:Chasm is a unique natural landmark that runs for a quarter-mile between granite walls that rise to 70 feet. Trails lead to a wide variety of rock formations.
Address:Purgatory Rd
Sutton, MA 01590

Web: www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/central/purg.htm
Size: 2,660 acres.

See other parks in Massachusetts.
Parks Directory of the United States, 5th Edition. © 2007 by Omnigraphics, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
SUTTON -- Tuesday afternoon was a day when people stopped by Purgatory Chasm State Reservation to walk in the woods and use the swings.
Purgatory Chasm is a collection of 30 poems inspired by the Massachusetts State Reservation, where published poet and creative writing teacher Susan Edwards Richmond often hikes.
When he found time to get away with his family you might have found him in the White Mountains in New Hampshire, or at Purgatory Chasm or Mount Wachusett closer to home as he always loved the outdoors.
He told students there were interesting rock formations in Purgatory Chasm, and asked who might like to visit.
Christopher Hookie, Central Valley district manager for Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, said the national park's presence would help promote the several state parks in the area, including Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park in Uxbridge, Douglas State Forest and Purgatory Chasm State Reservation in Sutton.
"It would have dominated the whole gallery.'' Ray's panels are lively, dramatic charcoal renderings of the edges, hollows and angles of Purgatory Chasm.
But when they saw Purgatory Chasm in Sutton, they knew Central Massachusetts was the spot, he said.
A majority of the filming has been done in and around Worcester, with Purgatory Chasm in Sutton doubling as the Aokigahara (the real-life "Sea of Trees'').
In late July, film crews descended on Purgatory Chasm in Sutton for a three-day shoot.
The movie, starring Matthew McConaughey, Naomi Watts and Ken Watanabe, is being filmed in part at Sutton's Purgatory Chasm
In actuality, the two men are Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey and Academy Award-nominated actor Ken Watanabe, and they are searching (at least on Thursday) for a way out of Purgatory Chasm, doubling for the Aokigahara forest.
Assist other agency, Purgatory Chasm, Sutton, services rendered.