Punctuation Marks

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Punctuation Marks


elements of written language used to differentiate linguistic units (sense segments of a text, sentences, phrases, words, parts of words); to indicate syntactic and logical relationships between words, the communicative type of the sentence, and its emotional coloring; and to convey outward information about a text (to indicate a quotation, an incomplete utterance, a graphic abbreviation, etc.). In Russian writing and other contemporary Latin and Cyrillic writing systems, the following types of punctuation marks are distinguished: (1) marks at the boundaries of large sense segments of a text (the paragraph and indented line); (2) marks at the beginning or end of a sentence (. ? ! …), indicating its communicative type, emotional coloring, and degree of completeness; (3) marks within a sentence, indicating the relationship of its parts to each other (, ; : —), including double marks that isolate phrases from both sides—brackets, double commas, and double dashes; (4) marks within a word that divide the word into sense parts (such as the hyphen) or syllables (the hyphen in the Vietnamese Roman alphabet); (5) marks indicating quotes or a certain emotional relationship to words and phrases (for example, quotation marks); and (6) marks of abbreviation (period, hyphen, oblique stroke)— for example, tov. for tovarishch, k-ryi for kotoryi, and p/o for pochtovoe otdelenie. The space, which marks a word’s boundaries, functionally belongs to the classification of punctuation marks.

The punctuation mark system in the modern Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, and Indian writing systems is the same. The differences in punctuation between the languages have to do with details: in the Spanish Latin alphabet question marks and exclamation marks are on both sides of the sentence or sentence part (¿Dónde vas? “Where are you going?”;iMuy bien! “Very good!”), and in Greek writing the mark ; serves as the question mark, and a dot above the line of print corresponds to a colon or a semicolon. The punctuation system of the European languages can be traced back to Alexandrian grammars of the second and first centuries B.C. (Aristophanes of Byzantium, Aristarchus, Dionysius Thrax), and it acquired its present form in the late 15th century (the system of Aldus Manutius). Other ancient and modern writing systems have different punctuation marks. The most widepread are the word boundaries (the space in many systems and : in Ethiopian writing) and sentence boundaries (the vertical line in Sanskrit writing and in Tibetan, and the mark :: in Ethiopian). In the 20th century the European punctuation system has spread to other writing systems; thus, it has been adopted, in full or with modifications, by Japanese, Chinese, and Korean writing and is partially found in Tibetan, Ethiopian, Burmese, Thai, Laotian, and Khmer writing (brackets, ellipses, and in some systems question marks, exclamation marks, and inverted commas).


Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaia, O. A.Istoriiapis’ma v srednie veka, 2nd ed. Leningrad, 1936.
Ivanova, V. F. Istoriia i printsipy russkoi punktuatsii. Leningrad, 1962.
Istrin, V. A. Vozniknovenie i razvitie pis’ma. Moscow, 1965.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Like punctuation marks, capital letters provide visual reinforcement of the structure and meaning of the sentence.
A spokeswoman for the LSC's North East office said pupils' lack of understanding of where punctuation marks should be used was preventing many from writing a CV, applying for work and ultimately getting an interview and a job.
The author examines the characteristics and uses of various punctuation marks, and she surveys their origins noting that they largely coincide with the history of printing.
This year, he asked language mavens to celebrate by baking something in the shape of a punctuation mark. I don't cook, so I decided to mark the day by taking a brief refresher course in punctuation history.
Intended for a community college course, this colorful, spiral bound textbook explains the rules for understanding parts of speech, adding punctuation marks, capitalizing words, and composing effective sentences.
One book offers an introduction then another six are devoted to individual punctuation marks through cleverly devised characters - Colin Comma, Fergus Full Stop, Alec Apostrophe, Henrietta Hyphen-Hyphen, Ethel Exclamation Mark and Quentin Question Mark.
For example, would humans be able to work out their system of grammar, or even be able to tell which of the bleeps and pauses are punctuation marks and which are meant as content?
Thus musical (esthetic) structure and form follow the letters and punctuation marks as the artist types: graphemes become music.
On the day new punctuation marks seek employment, they anticipate the roles they will play in building grammatically correct sentences.
Using a combination of punctuation marks it is possible to create something which vaguely resembles a face.
As you will know if you are reduced to using the Internet, the use of capital letters, punctuation marks other than dots (formerly known as full stops) or separate words, let alone complete, sensible sentences, is more or less banned.
The book covers why to use plain English, omit surplus words, use verbs to express action, prefer the active voice, use short sentences, arrange words carefully, choose words carefully, use commas carefully, use other punctuation marks carefully, and use easy-to-read design techniques.