Provisional Remedy

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Provisional Remedy


steps taken by a judge or court to guarantee the execution of a future decision by the court in the event it grants the action before it. A provisional remedy is employed only if failure to take such steps may make it difficult or impossible for the decision of the court to be executed. In Soviet law provisional remedies include the attachment of property or money belonging to the defendant, prohibiting the defendant from performing certain actions, and prohibiting other persons from transferring property to the defendant.

Provisional remedies are ordered on the application or petition of persons participating in the case or on the initiative of the judge or court. To prevent the defendant from concealing property, an application for a provisional remedy is heard on the day it is submitted, without calling the defendant, and the ruling on the provisional remedy is carried out immediately in the manner established for the execution of court judgments. The court has the right to abolish or amend provisional remedies both before and after the court judgment has been rendered. Any ruling relating to a provisional remedy may be appealed, and the procurator may lodge a protest against it. However, filing an appeal or protest does not stay execution of the ruling with respect to the provisional remedy. Provisional remedies are also used by the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission and the Maritime Arbitration Committee.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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(66) The inadequacy of a claimant's remedies at law is relevant both in deciding whether an applicant for a preliminary injunction can be expected to suffer irreparable harm if that provisional remedy is withheld pending a resolution of the claim on its merits, (67) as well as in deciding whether the claimant is entitled to specific performance.
Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, one of the officials who went to Netherlands to attend the hearing, said they had not yet asked for a provisional remedy but it was being studied.
Carpio's pronouncement came after UP Law Professor Harry Roque said that asking for provisional remedy might give way for China's military and law enforcement activities in connection with the exercise of its sovereign rights.
"It is a provisional remedy that a party may resort to in order to preserve and protect certain rights and interests during the pendency of an action.
But the court said the government prosecutors were right in insisting that the State was entitled to such provisional remedy as stated under Rule 127 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure.
She called the court action a "provisional remedy" amid intense opposition to the law.

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