New Brunswick

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New Brunswick

a province of SE Canada on the Gulf of St Lawrence and the Bay of Fundy: extensively forested. Capital: Fredericton. Pop.: 751 384 (2004 est.). Area: 72 092 sq. km (27 835 sq. miles)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Parks Directory of the United States, 5th Edition. © 2007 by Omnigraphics, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

New Brunswick


a province in eastern Canada, located on the Atlantic coast. Area, 72,500 sq km; population, 635,000 (1971). About two-fifths of the populace is French Canadian. Its capital is Fredericton.

Some 57 percent of the populace is urban, and 39 percent live in industrial and fishing settlements. Local deposits of copper, nickel, lead, zinc, and silver are processed at a large complex of mining, metallurgical, and chemical enterprises in Bathurst. Major industries include cellulose and paper (particularly developed in Saint John), oil refining, foodstuffs, machine building (including shipbuilding), and woodworking. Shoes and construction materials are also produced, and there is commercial fishing. Agriculture is for the most part of local importance.

The first French settlement was established in New Brunswick in 1604, and the first English settlement in 1762. In 1784 the province became a separate colony of Great Britain. In 1867 it became part of the Dominion of Canada. Competition from Canada’s central regions has slowed the development of New Brunswick.

New Brunswick


a city in the northeastern USA, in the state of New Jersey, located on the Raritan River; it is actually a suburb of New York City. Population, 42,000 (1970). New Brunswick has chemical, machine-building, automobile, garment-making, and food-processing industries. Medical instruments and strings for musical instruments are produced there. The city has a university.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
(56) Nouveau-Brunswick, Assemblee legislative, Verificateur general du Nouveau-Brunswick, << Report of the Auditor General on the Public Accounts for the year 1866 >> dans Journal of the House of Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick, 21e leg, 2e sess, (1 janvier 1867), annexe I aux pp 13-44.
Gesner, A., 1841, Third Report on the Geological Survey of the Province of New Brunswick: Henry Chubb, Saint John, 88 p.
In June 2011, a group of eleven long-term care stakeholders came together to discuss their unique and common issues about aging in the province of New Brunswick. Historically, these groups had never come together to discuss aging in the province.
Chief Perry Bellegarde of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations said his organization fully supports and stands in solidarity with First Nations in their quest to protect lands and water, and called on the province of New Brunswick and industry to respect and honor the duty to consult Aboriginal peoples and accommodate their concerns.
The overall winner will get an all-expenses paid trip to the maritime province of New Brunswick to perform on one of the main stages at the Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival in the province's capital Fredericton in September.
Summary: Moody's Investors Service says in its annual report on the Province of New Brunswick that the Canadian province's Aa2 rating reflects a high degree of fiscal flexibility, manageable debt levels within the current fiscal framework and strong and reliable transfers from the federal government.
The overall competition will be given the chance to fly to Fredericton in the Canadian province of New Brunswick, to perform on a world stage at the internationally-acclaimed Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival in September 2012.
* Bill 11, An Act Respecting the Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority, introduced by the Minister of Transportation, Claude Williams will allow the Authority to transfer the ownership of the bridge to the province of New Brunswick.
In addition, he is the former premier of the Province of New Brunswick, Canada.
The promoter, MJP Investments (Beausejour) Ltd., received $240,000 in funding from the Federal Housing Trust Fund to offset construction costs, as well as $297,000 in long-term rent supplements from the province of New Brunswick for 8 of the 20 units.
That your Petitioners joined the Royal Standard at the Commencement of the Revolutionary War in America and Continued in His Majesty's Service until the Conclusion of the War, when they went with other Provincial Troops to the Province of New Brunswick; where finding, after Some years residence, the Climate and Soil unfavourable to Agriculture, they removed to this Province, with the expectation of receiving His Majesty's Bounty of Waste Lands, as promised in his Proclamation at the expiration of the War; That on their arrival here they were told by the Executive Government of this Province, that in as much as they had not applied for this Land, Service, they had forfeiteted the advantages and privileges, which otherwise would have attached to them as U.E.

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