Prichard, Katherine Susannah

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Prichard, Katherine Susannah


Born Dec. 4, 1884, in Levuka, Fiji; died Oct. 2, 1969, in Greenmount, near the city of Perth, Western Australia. Australian writer. Member of the Communist Party of Australia since 1920.

Prichard was educated at the Women’s College of South Melbourne and worked as a journalist. She helped develop the realistic novel in Australia. The humanism of her novels is attested by their affirmation of an ordinary person’s right to happiness. This is seen in The Pioneers (1915), Black Opal (1921), Working Bullocks (1926), Coonardoo (1929), and Haxby’s Circus (1930); the true hero of these works is the common man.

Prichard’s visit to the USSR in 1933 was reflected in her book of sketches The Real Russia (1935). The trilogy The Roaring Nineties (1946), Golden Miles (1948), and Winged Seeds (1950) dealt with the labor movement in Western Australia, the growth of Australian national consciousness, and anti-imperialist attitudes. These novels were noted for their epic grasp of social life, their lyricism, and their authenticity and political astuteness. Prichard also wrote short stories, poems, plays, literary critiques, and memoirs.


Clovelly Verses. London, 1913.
Moon of Desire. London, 1941.
N’Goola and Other Stories. Melbourne, 1959.
Why I Am a Communist. Sydney, 1957.
Child of the Hurricane. Sydney, 1963.
Subtle Flame. Sydney, 1967.
In Russian translation:
Devianostye gody. Moscow, 1958.
Zolotye mili. Moscow 1958
Krylatye semena. Moscow, 1958.
Rozhdestvenskie derev’ia. Moscow, 1958.
Kunardu, ili Kolodets v teni. Moscow, 1959.
Rozhdestvo v Iende. Moscow 1960.
Pogonshchik volov. Moscow, 1965.
Ditia uragana. Moscow, 1966.
Negasimoe plamia. Moscow, 1972.


Riurikov, B. “Ditia uragana.” Literaturnaia gazeta, Dec. 11, 1968.
Iasnev, Iu. “Zhizn’, otdannaia bor’be.” Pravda, Oct. 10, 1969.
Beasley, J. The Rage for Life: The Work of K. S. Prichard. Sydney, 1964.
Drake-Brockmann, H. F. Y. Katharine Susannah Prichard. Melbourne, 1967. (Contains bibliography.)


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.