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Related to Pond Skaters: Water striders


(invertebrate zoology)
The water striders, a family of hemipteran insects in the subdivision Amphibicorisae having long middle and hind legs and a median scent gland opening on the metasternum.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Pond dipping is a great holiday activity and bugs to watch out for are pond skaters, water boatmen, pond snails and dragonfly larvae.
Before you know it your new creation will soon become a wildlife haven - and the sight of all those birds, frogs, newts, pond skaters and damsel flies will make all that graft worthwhile.
The spider (Dolomedes plantarius) gets its popular name from the way that it leans over pools on a plant and dangles its front legs on the water's surface to pick up vibrations from approaching prey, mainly pond skaters and dragonfly larvae, sticklebacks and tadpoles.
The pond is now a hive of activity with dragon flies, pond skaters and water snails.
In our wildlife garden you can find slugs, snails, pond skaters, water snails and toads.
"We were overwhelmed by the responsibility of the garden when we arrived but we are much more confident now and have made a veg garden and a huge wildlife pond that is already home to pond skaters, dragonflies and diving beetles.
They look good, take little of your time and set the scene for all the uninvited beauties that are coming your way - including newts, frogs, damsel flies, pond skaters and birds by the dozen.
By widening the banks the team will create areas of still water to encourage creatures such as dragonflies, pond skaters and water beetles.
Water boatmen, pond skaters and tadpoles were among the specimens examined by youngsters armed with nets on Wednesday.
Within hours - and yes, I mean hours - chunky, colourful dragonflies were performing intricate aerial circuits over the water and pond skaters were skimming happily across the surface.