Panel Heating

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panel heating

[′pan·əl ‚hēd·iŋ]
(civil engineering)
A system in which the heat-emitting units are in the ceiling, floor, or wall panels of the space which is to be heated.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

panel heating

A system for heating a room or space by panels (in the walls, floor, ceiling, or along the baseboard) in which there are electric heating elements, hot-air pipes, or hot-water pipes.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Panel Heating


a type of heating in which heat is transferred to a room from the hot, flat surfaces of heating panels placed in walls, in partitions, and sometimes in the floor. Heating panels are usually made of concrete and contain built-in heating elements consisting of steel pipes, through which a heat-carrying agent, such as hot water or, more rarely, steam, is circulated. Electrically heated panels are also used. Such panels contain wires of high resistivity or are faced with a current-conducting wallpaper or with rubber. The most efficient placement of heating panels is in the outer walls, especially under windows, where the effect of descending cold-air currents is neutralized and the temperature within the enclosing structure is raised. Heat loss from the panels is reduced by using an intermediate layer of heat-insulating material, such as foam glass or foam concrete.

Panel heating is especially suitable for buildings constructed from prefabricated wall panels. To keep labor costs down, the heating elements, together with the insulating layer, are embedded in each exterior panel during fabrication.

Compared to other heating systems, for example, those that use radiators, panel heating is cleaner, detracts less from the appearance of the room, uses less metal, and reduces installation costs.

The first heating systems with heaters made of pipes embedded in concrete were built in Saratov in 1905 by the Russian engineer V. A. Iakhimovich. Ten years later there were already more than 100 such systems in Russian cities. However, there were no further developments in panel heating until the 1950’s (I. F. Livchak and M. I. Kissin). Panel heating is used in modern construction for public buildings and factories with high sanitary and aesthetic standards.


Livchak, I. F. Sistemy otopleniia s betonnymi otopitel’nymi paneliami. Moscow, 1956.
Shapovalov, I. S. Proektirovanie panel’no-luchistogo otopleniia. Moscow, 1966.
Turkin, V. P. Otoplenie zhilykh, obshchestvennykh i sel’skokhoziaistvennykh zdanii. Cheliabinsk, 1970.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
ways energy savings are accomplished with radiant panel heating;
Radiant panel heating and cooling systems are temperature-controlled indoor surfaces that maintain sensible thermal comfort primarily by controlling the operative temperature (OT) and the Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT).
"We are still the only manufacturer to have digital pressure control in the vacuum oven, and the panel heating is the guarantee for fast, precise and gentle heating." The direct heating of the shelves in the interior of the vacuum oven, combined with a convenient ramp programming, is intended primarily to reduce process times in environmental technology, cosmetics, as well as the food and electronics industries.
The properties at Saltney range from four-bedroomed detached homes to two-bedroom apartments and include two with solar panel heating.
Other innovative systems by OGI include the groundwater cooling of the pavilion and visitor centre at The Alnwick Gardens, the combined ground energy and solar panel heating of the RMBI care home in Cramlington, and OGI's own building in Meadowfield, Durham, believed to have the first combined ground energy heating and cooling system in the North East.
In keeping with Thripland's aim of providing "the comfort of the past with the convenience of the future", the showhome has ceiling-recessed speakers in four zones and is pre-wired with TV, internet, telephone and PC points throughout and features include underfloor and radiant panel heating.
We're also having solar panel heating, pipes that channel natural light into the school, heat reflective materials for better insulation, and a ventilation system which provides air conditioning without using up energy."
Bathroom two has controls for solar panel heating, while bedrooms three and four also have fireplaces (bedroom three has an interconnecting door to bedroom two).
TYPE: Two-bedroom ground floor apartment RENTAL: PS550 pcm - unfurnished AGENT: Archer Bassett TELEPHONE: 024 7659 2255 The unfurnished ground-floor home has a secure entry phone system, panel heating, double glazing and energy rating C.
The overall success of radiant panel heating and cooling depends on exergy of the type of energy source used in the building.
There are fitted carpets to the living rooms and electric panel heating throughout.
The part furnished home has panel heating, double glazing and energy rating E.