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the. a region of SE Ethiopia, bordering on Somalia: consists of a desert plateau, inhabited by Somali nomads; a secessionist movement, supported by Somalia, has existed within the region since the early 1960s and led to bitter fighting between Ethiopia and Somalia (1977--78)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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"The people of Ogaden have followed closely the legitimate struggle of the people of South Sudan and welcome the birth of the South Sudan Republic as a positive event in Africa's history.
In a statement, the rebel group on Saturday accused the Djiboutian government and Ethiopian security forces, of jointly launching the operation, which according to the group resulted in the arrest and extraordinary rendition to Ethiopia of nearly one hundred Ogaden refugees and legal residents living in Djibouti.
As the majority in Jubaland, the Marehan are being actively mobilised along clan lines to defeat Madobe, a scion of the Ogaden sub-clan.On their part, Ogaden communities living in Garissa the Awilyahan, Abduwak and Abdalla have raised the stakes, endorsing Madobe.
The ONLF "declares Unilateral ceasefire from today -- 12:00 pm, August 12, 2018, that and will cease all military and security operations directed against the Ethiopian Security Apparatus in the Somali territory (Ogaden), until a negotiated comprehensive cessation of hostilities is reached with the Ethiopian government," says the rebel group.
HRW said the documented abuses occurred at a detention facility -- known as "Jail Ogaden" -- between 2011 and this year, adding that most people brought to the facility were never formally charged.
Ethiopia says the wells in the Calub and Hilala fields in the Ogaden Basin should show deposits of 4.7 trillion cubic feet of liquid natural gas (LNG) and 13.6 million barrels of associated liquids.
Ethiopia on the other hand had its Ogaden region being claimed by Somalia.
The Eid Charity has held a medical camp for the treatment of eye diseases at Ogaden, Ethiopia at a total cost of QR334,500.
Schibbye and Persson were arrested with rebels from the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) on July 1, 2011 after illegally entering from Somalia.
The journalists, reporter Martin Schibbye and photographer Johan Persson, were arrested in the company of rebels in Ethiopia's restive Ogaden region.
after they were travelling with rebels in the disputed Ogaden region.