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1. a city in S India, in S Karnataka state: former capital of the state of Mysore; manufacturing and trading centre; university (1916). Pop.: 742 261 (2001)
2. the former name (until 1973) of Karnataka
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city in southern India, in an intermontane basin at the foot of Chamundi Hill. Located in the state of Karnataka (formerly Mysore). Population, 355,600 (1971). It is a railroad junction. The main industries are textiles (basically cotton), food (rice milling, vegetable-oil production), and chemicals (fertilizers and plastics). Cottage industries produce fabrics and wood, metal, and ivory handicrafts. Mysore has a university (founded in 1916) and an agricultural college.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
When Siddaramaiah became chief minister of the state many thought that Mysore will see a sea change in various sectors but even after a year and half of his tenure nothing seems to have changed on the reality front.
Investment in Mysore has emerged as one of the best bets as Mysore has emerged as a one stop destination for Industries, business and tourism alike and has witnessed unbelievable growth in recent past.
Srikantadatta, the last scion of the Wadiyar dynasty who died of a heart attack last month, had been a member of the Congress for a long time and elected thrice as an MP from Mysore. He quit the Congress to join the BJP and won the election again.
Prakash, #52, 17th main K.H.Road, Saraswathipuram, Mysore -570009.
Coming back to palaces, almost every well known hotel in Mysore was once a palace.
concert by the Mysore Brothers (Mysore Manjunath and Mysore Nagaraj), South Indian violin maestros.
The showroom showcases the latest international trends in jewellery and traditional and ethno- contemporary designs to meet all the needs of jewellery lovers in Mysore. A wide array of jewellery options is also available in gold, diamonds, platinum, precious stones, pearl and silver in this large format Joyalukkas jewellery showroom.
Mysore Nagaraja holds bridge constructed by students
He had presided over the recently concluded Dasara festivities in Mysore and was also elected as the president of the Karnataka State Cricket Association on December 1.
Set to the backdrop of the Mysore Airport, across 80 acres, is Mysore's most premium property - Yesh Gardens.