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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city in eastern Tunisia in the wilaya of Sousse on the Mediterranean. Population, 19,200 (1966 census). A trade and handicraft center, Monastir is also developing as a major industrial region. Olive oil is produced, fish are caught and processed, and sponges are gathered. The city has textile and metal-working enterprises. It is a resort and tourist center. Monastir was founded near the ancient settlement of Ruspina. In the old section of the city (the casbah), an ancient temple complex (second century B.C.) has been preserved.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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They came to promote Tunisia as a tourist destination, according to a statement given to Mosaique Fm by Faouaz Ben Hlima, regional delegate of tourism in Monastir.
Le directeur du festival Yafet Ben Hamida a, par ailleurs, annonce que la soiree de cloture sera assuree par la troupe de la Rachidia (section de Monastir) sous la houlette de Makram El Ansari.
Resort ammenities at the Radisson Blu Resort & Thalasso Monastir include three restaurants, six bars and lounges, several indoor and outdoor swimming pools, and athletic facilities such as; tennis, beach volleyball, water polo, aerobics, jet skiing, water skiing and canoeing.
174 projects were financed under the programme in Monastir in the period between late 2016 and July 2019; a total of 2, 238 million dinars was earmarked to this end.
The airline is also due to operate weekly flights from Monastir to Verona, Italy from June 11 to September 17.
Both Airports will serve the major tourism areas of Monastir, Sousse and Hammamet, which are all located on the Mediterranean coast.
The regional authorities are working in co-ordination with the Transport Ministry and the Tourism Office to ensure the continuity of this airlink all year long to transport tourists and businessmen between the two countries, said Monastir Governor Akram Sebri.
(TAP) -- Security measures have been beefed up around archaeological and tourism sites in Monastir, ahead of the tourist season, Governor of Monastir Akram Sebrisaid at the ordinary session of the Monastir Regional Council held at the seat of the Governorate.
Summary: We understand that businesswoman and MP Zohra Driss has bought the Kuriat Palace Hotel in Monastir. The amount of the transaction is just over 25.05 million dinars.
(TAP) - The Ministry of Health reported that the value of public health projects carried out in the governorate of Monastir in 2019 amounted to more than 1.8 million dinars, against only 290 thousand dinars in 2018.