May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014


Abbey Road on the River (Memorial Day Weekend)

Alma Highland Festival and Games (May, Memorial Day weekend)

Boston Pops (First week in May through middle of July)

Coca-Cola 600 (May, Memorial Day weekend)

Dakota Cowboy Poetry Gathering (May, Memorial Day weekend)

Detroit Electronic Music Festival (Memorial Day Weekend)

Fiji Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day (Last Monday of May)

Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)

National Family Month (Second Sunday in May through the third Sunday in June)

Legal Holidays by Countries

Independence DayGuyana, Republic of Georgia
Spring Bank HolidayEngland and Wales, Gibraltar, Northern Ireland, Scotland

Legal Holidays in United States

Memorial DayUnited States (federal)
Memorial Day and Jefferson Davis's BirthdayMississippi
Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary, Fourth Edition. © 2010 by Omnigraphics, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
2014-16 of May 26, 2014 on elections and referendums.
2014-16 of May 26, 2014 relating to the elections and referendums as well as those No.
The new government assumed office on May 26, 2014. ( ANI )
Institutional investors in Costa Rica can participate directly in bond auctions for the debt offered by the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank without using a broker as an intermediary, reports CentralAmericaData.Com (May 26, 2014).
A Tunisian employment office will soon be opened in Qatar with the aim of facilitating the recruitment of young Tunisians in this country, Minister of Employment and Vocational Training, Hafedh Lmouri announced in an interview with newspaper "Al Moussaouer" published in its edition of Monday, May 26, 2014.
2014-16 of May 26, 2014 on elections and referendums was postponed until Tuesday afternoon at the request of MPs.
- Draft law amending and completing the organic law NA;16-2014 of May 26, 2014, related to elections and referendums.
The dividend will be payable on June 9, 2014 to stockholders of record at the close of business on May 26, 2014.