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a region of SE Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Za?re): site of a secessionist movement during the 1960s and again in 1993; important for hydroelectric power and rich mineral resources (copper and tin ore). Pop.: 4 125 000 (1998 est.). Area: 496 964 sq. km (191 878 sq. miles)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Hammarskjold was on his way to Ndola to meet | Tshombe to negotiate an end to the Katangese secession.
He thinks that the pilot was a character known as 'The Lone Ranger' and must have been communicating with the CIA or with some other Katangese, Rhodesian or British base, which was cooperating with the CIA.
The Force Publique--now known as the Congolese National Army--was in disarray and was repeatedly defeated by the Katangese. Lumumba called on the UN to provide troops to subdue the rebellious province.
Hammarskjold was on his way to meet the Katangese leader, Moise Tshombe, to negotiate an end to the secession in 1961.
In 1961, in the mining town of Jadotville, 150 soldiers of the Athlone town-based A company 35th Infantry Battalion came under attack from 4,000 Belgian-led Katangese forces.
The 150 Irish troops later came under attack from 4000 Belgian led Katangese forces.
He also used ethnic tension between the Kasai and Katangese to diminish support for his main political opponent, Etienne Tshisekedi, who was an ethnic Kasai.
(4) Soon after, Angola encouraged the so-called Katanga Tigers, a group of aging Katangese soldiers and their sons who had been living in exile in Angola since the failed Katanga secession attempt in 1962, to join the fight against Mobutu.