Jugurthine War

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Jugurthine War


a war between Rome and the Numidian king Jugurtha that lasted from 111 B.C. to 105 B.C.

In the early days of the war, the Romans enjoyed military success, but Jugurtha obtained a peace settlement by bribing the Roman commanders and thus retained his kingdom. In 110, however, military operations resumed. Having defeated a Roman army under A. Postumius in 109, Jugurtha concluded an agreement with Postumius that recognized Jugurtha as an ally of the Roman people and the leader of the free tribes and tribes that were dependent on Numidia. The treaty was rejected in Rome, however, and fighting resumed. In 109, Jugurtha suffered a serious defeat on the Muthul River and was forced to adopt guerrilla warfare. Jugurtha’s forces were defeated in 107 and decisively routed in 106 by G. Marius.

As a result of the Jugurthine War, Numidia’s dependence on Rome increased. Numidia was partitioned; the western part of the territory was given to King Bocchus of Mauretania as a reward for having handed Jugurtha over to Rome, and the eastern part was given to a feeble-minded relative of Jugurtha’s.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
In Jugurthine War (translated by John Selby Watson), Chapter 91, the Roman historian Sallust calmly relates what the Roman army did after the town of Capsa surrendered without a fight:
With such a prospect for personal glory, the rivalry between Marius and Sulla, which had simmered since the Jugurthine War more than a decade earlier, exploded into the open.
In Sallust's second monograph, Bellum Jugurthinum(41-40; The Jugurthine War), he explores in greater detail the origins of party struggles that arose in Rome when war broke out against Jugurtha, the king of Numidia, who rebelled against Rome at the close of the 2nd century.
Principal wars: Jugurthine War (112-105); Cimbri and Teutones (105-101); Social War (91-88); Civil War (88-82).
The deadly rivalry that grew up between Marius and Sulla began in the Jugurthine War. When Jugurtha was eventually captured by the Romans after being betrayed by an unreliable ally, both men claimed credit for his defeat, but soon patched up their public differences.
Sources: Sallust, The Jugurthine War. Scullard, Howard H., From the Gracchi to Nero, 4th ed., New York, 1976.
The Jugurthine war, which lasted about seven years, provided more drama than danger to the Roman state.
Principal wars: Jugurthine War (112-105); Cimbri and Teutones (105-101); Social War (91-88); First Mithridatic War (89-84); Roman Civil War (88-82).
Gaius Sallustius Crispus, a Roman historian of the first century BC, wrote on the Catiline and Jugurthine wars. Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian of the first century BC, is known for writing a monumental universal history, Historical Library.
157-86 B.C.) began this change during the Jugurthine Wars in North Africa.