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Related to Jugurtha: Mithridates, Marius, Sulla


died 104 bc, king of Numidia (?112--104), who waged war against the Romans (the Jugurthine War, 112--105) and was defeated and executed
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



Born 160 B.C.; died 104 B.C. King of Numidia from 117. Military commander and diplomat. Grandson of Masinissa.

Jugurtha was educated in Rome. In 134 and 133 he fought in the Numantian War of 143–133. After the death in 118 of his uncle, King Micipsa of Numidia, he killed one of Micipsa’s sons and forced the other son, Adherbal, to flee. Adherbal appealed to the Roman Senate for aid, but by bribing Roman senators, Jugurtha attained a partition of Numidia that favored his interests; he received the fertile, western part of the country. In 112, Jugurtha captured the Numidian capital of Cirta, whereupon he executed Adherbal and all other men in the city, including Romans and other Italians. In response the Romans launched a war against Jugurtha—the Jugurthine War—in 111.

Jugurtha was defeated in 106 and fled to his father-in-law, King Bocchus of Mauretania, who turned him over to the Romans in 105. In 104, dressed in his royal robes, Jugurtha was presented to the Romans as a prisoner in the triumph of G. Marius; he was executed in prison.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"Dans les monts d'Algerie, sa race renaitra : Le vent a dit le nom d'un nouveau Jugurtha ", c'est ainsi que Rimbaud (1854-1891), eleve de college a Charleville (Ardennes, Grand-Est), evoque dans ses vers, a travers la legende de Jugurtha, l'emir Abdelkader, heros de la resistance algerienne contre l'occupation francaise, qui avait ete deja libere (1952) de sa detention au chateau d'Amboise par Napoleon III.
Sallust: The War Against Jugurtha. Oxford: Liverpool University Press, 2009.
Strategus jugurtha Burmeister, 1847: Se recolecto un individuos macho en la RB, con trampas de luz blanca en mayo.
Je vis ce malheur comme Hannibal et Jugurtha ont vecu la defaite et la trahison, et comme Platon a assiste a la decadence de la splendide Athenes, et comme Ibn Rochd a vecu le debut de la decadence des Almohades, qui prefigurait la chute de Grenade.
(29) And for Mustapha, Nedjma might help to reconstruct the broken tribe, as "ce sera l'arbre de la nation s'enracinant dans la sepulture tribale, sous le nuage enfin creve d'un sang trop de fois ecume." (30) The "star" of her name recalls the Etoile nord-africaine, one of the early nationalist organisations in Algeria, and her protean character contains resonances of Jugurtha, who, as the poet Jean Amrouche famously demonstrated, encapsulates the North African spirit as "le genie de l'alternance." (31) Critic Louis Tremaine has sifted through the various readings of the novel that stress this parallel between Nedjma and Algeria, with her four lovers being conceived either as versions of the desiring conqueror, or as the various parties fighting for independence.
However, Kempshall's very full coverage of Sallust's Catiline and Jugurtha, in Rome and in North Africa, was well managed, as was his treatment of Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria.
In my 2008 book, The Ambivalence of Imperial Discourse, I dedicate three chapters to the representation and interpretation of historical characters--namely Viriatus, Jugurtha, and Scipio Aemilianus--and the historical events surrounding the final siege and destruction of the Celtiberian city in Cervantes's play.
As a military officer with a passion for military history, this book was attractive because it covered the Punic Wars, Hannibal, Jugurtha, Kasserine Pass, and the Algerian war of independence in addition to recent peacekeeping operations.
After that, a walk was in order, so what better than a jaunt up a mist-shrouded mountain, Jugurtha's Table, named after the king who used the forbidding plateau as a fortification against invading Romans.