Judicial Power

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Judicial Power


in bourgeois state and constitutional law, the system of organs entrusted by law with the administration of justice. Bourgeois science, taking as its starting point the theory of separation of powers, considers the judicial power, as distinguished from the executive and legislative power, a separate and independent sphere of public power.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
PESHAWAR -- The tribal district administration of Mohmand has technically committed contempt of court by arresting 40 tribesmen although Peshawar High Court (PHC) has barred tribal district administrations from exercising judicial powers.
During the Spanish period, judicial powers were exercised by the barangay chiefs.
Judicial power cannot be vested to the Syariah Courts because such courts were not constituted as a 'superior court' in accordance with the constitutional provisions safeguarding the independence of judges.
A challenge to judicial power in Canada runs against the grain of a certain received pattern of elite thought and thus must also end up in a challenge to significant parts of
As reported, the Latvian parliament on November 2 adopted amendments to the Law on Judicial Power, giving more authority to the Judicial Council and lifting the tenure restrictions on the presiding judges of district (city) courts and regional courts.
On this account, the limits of legislative power relative to judicial power are marked by legal interests that legislation may not change but that may be operated on by judicial power pursuant to preexisting rules.
Shatzer, (12) a case in which the court explicitly rooted its justiciability doctrine in the "judicial power" clause of Article VII (Amended) of the Oregon Constitution.
SJC Chairman informed the Foreign Minister of the SJC's 2014 key achievements, including the Judicial power strategy 2020, and future judges project, which aims to develop the judicial system.
When will someone in a position of judicial power finally shut this lot down?
courts of appeals operate independently of each other; district courts further divide and separate the exercise of federal judicial power. The role of the state courts in enforcing federal law further subdivides responsibility for the adjudication of federal law claims.

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