Judas goat

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Judas goat

decoy for luring animals to slaughter. [Western Folklore: Espy, 80]
See: Deceit

Judas goat

a goat used to lead sheep to slaughter. [Eur. Culture: Misc.]
See: Guide
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The correspondence from Mr Thomas of Neath (Western Mail January 24) brought to mind the Judas Goat, where the goat in the Brexit debacle is the rabid Leave faction of the Tory Party with their sheeplike followers bleating pathetically but loyally as they are led trustingly into the abattoir.
Picquart acted as a Judas goat in bringing Dreyfus to his arrest and then served as the Minister of War's eyes and ears at his ensuing trial and public disgrace.
Choose between Salt on Gastown's Blood Alley, a brick-lined tasting room serving cheeses, cured meats and more than 100 wines by the glass, and Judas Goat next door, a tapas pit stop with zinc counter, tiled floor and rows of acid yellow stools.
Judas goat Gaius Baltar was this universe's token scientist.
Roth's brother Sandy spends a month with the McWhinney family of Kentucky, and before you know it, he's referring to his mother and father as "ghetto Jews." The administration is given credibility by its Judas goat: Newark Rabbi Lionel Bengelsdorf, who marries the sister of Roth's mother, and serves as the House Jew for the anti-Semites in the White House.
Customers aren't sheep idly waiting to be misled by any retail Judas goat that happens to amble down the path.
We called him the Judas goat, because he'd go join up with the wild ones and we could track them all."