Hugo Claus

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Claus, Hugo


Born Apr. 5, 1929, in Bruges. Belgian writer. Writes in Flemish.

Claus, an avant-gardist, is the founder and editor of the magazine Tijd en mens (from 1949). His poetry, permeated with refined eroticism and gloomy symbolism, reflects the anarchic protest of the individual who is unable to deal with the chaos of his environment—for example, the poetry cycles The House on the Boundary Between Night and Morning (1953), The Oostakker Poems (1955), and Thorns (1955). Claus’ novel The Metsires Family (1950) is a naturalistic account of the degradation of a peasant family. The novel At Summer’s Peak (1952) is about a youthful search for the meaning of life. The self-analysis of a mental patient is the basis of the novel Astonishment (1962). Claus’ naturalistic novels— From Nature (1954), Sugar (1958), and Chief of a Black Tribe (1959)—have specific social themes, imbued with the idea of struggle for moral purity.

Claus is the author of the psychological drama Bride in the Morning (1955), the romantic melodrama The Song of a Killer (1957), and a parody on subjects treated in his own works, The Heron’s Dance (1962). His plays and dramatizations Thyl Ulen-spiegel (1965), Eldorado (1966), Thyestes (1966, based on the tragedy by Seneca the Younger), The Jester (1968), and A Tooth for a Tooth (1970) are anti-imperialistic in tone.


In Russian translation:
[Rasskazy.] In the collection Rasskazy bel’giiskikh pisatelei. Moscow, 1968.


Rutten, M. Nederlandse dichtkunst van Kloos tot Claus. Hasselt, 1957.
Dinaux, C. J. E. Gegist bestek, vol. 2. ’s-Gravenhage [1962].
Moderne encyclopedie der wereldliteratuur, vol. 2. Ghent, 1964.
Weisgerberg, J. Hugo Claus: Experiment en traditie. Leiden [1970].


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Die implikasie hiervan word goed in die motto van Hugo Claus tot die slotafdeling ("Beseringstyd") van Stil punt van die aarde opgesom: "Hoe dichter de dichters bij hun sterven geraken/ Des te grimmiger kermen zij naar de sterren."
In this context, the filmic adaptation of Conscience's 1838 novel De Leeuw van Vlaanderen of de Slag der Gulden Sporen (The Lion of Flanders or the Battle of the Spurs) by Hugo Claus was conceived as a spectacular medieval epic that would serve as a concluding memorial showpiece.
De duve, who won the Nobel Prize for cancer research in 1974, was the second famous Belgian who chose mercy killing as a way to die, following in the footsteps of writer Hugo Claus, who died in similar circumstances in 2008, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.
She left her lover, Dutch author Hugo Claus - by whom h h d A h f ff i i h she had son Arthur - for an affair with actor Ian McShane.
The Sacrament and Other Plays of Forbidden Love by Hugo Claus
One of the primary revelations that emerged was the way in which Cobra artists and poets were likewise transient, consistently changing places and media to striking effect: Witness painter Appel's bestial sculptures, poet Hugo Claus's paintings, poet Dotremont's "word paintings," painter Corneille's ceramics.
The possibility that Hugo Claus's Het verdriet van Belgie (The Sorrow of Belgium), the seminal novel of modern Flemish identity, is predicated on Grass's Blechtrommel is introduced, and then we are told there is no space now to discuss it.
Toewaaisand herinner in baie opsigte aan De Metsiers van Hugo Claus (1950)--ook 'n kort, kriptiese, maar gelade teks wat handel oor 'n klein groepie mense wat geisoleer is van hul omringende sosiale omgewing.
This novella by Hugo Claus, Belgium's most famous contemporary writer, partly accomplishes what it sets out to do, which is to show the creating and destroying power of an iconoclastic Christ in a rural Belgian town where religious zeal barely exists.
Hugo Claus (1929-2008), gedoodverfd Nobelprijs-kandidaat en laureaat van de prestigieuze Europese Aristeion-prijs (naast Cees Nooteboom, Herta Muller, Salman Rushdie, en Christoph Ransmayr), schrijver en schilder, theaterregisseur en cineast, was de auteur van een stilistisch bijzonder rijk geschakeerd en omvangrijk literair oeuvre.