Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Clinton, Hillary Rodham

(1947–  ) lawyer, First Lady; born in Park Ridge, Ill. The daughter of a prosperous fabric store owner, she graduated from Wellesley College (1969) and Yale University Law School (1973). In 1975 she married Bill Clinton, a fellow Yale Law School graduate. She practiced law while he became attorney general and then governor of Arkansas, and during this time gained a national reputation for her contributions to issues of women's and children's rights and public education, through her publications, public advocacies, and court cases. (In 1991, before most Americans had heard of her, The National Law Journal named her one of the 100 most powerful lawyers in America.) During the 1992 presidential campaign, she emerged as a dynamic and valued partner of her husband, and as president he named her to head the Task Force on National Health Reform (1993). Inevitably there were charges of everything from old-fashioned nepotism to new-fashioned feminism, and she became the butt of both good-natured humor and vicious accusations, but less partisan observers recognized her as simply an example of the new American woman.
The Cambridge Dictionary of American Biography, by John S. Bowman. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 1995. Reproduced with permission.
References in periodicals archive ?
A month before, Comey sent Rybicki a link to a Fox News article speculating on Russian hacks to Hilary Clinton's email server, adding: "Need to be sure our colleagues across the street don't think I actually said most of the stuff they attribute to me."
@Chinewubeze_mc wrote, 'Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie went too far with this her feminism issue during her interview with Hilary Clinton today.'
Trump rather than Hilary Clinton is real face of US.
Shares in the pharmaceutical giant weakened in the morning after Hilary Clinton's remarks, only to rally later in the session to close down 0.3% at 1653p.
We warmly welcome all visitors to Durham and should Bill and Hilary Clinton wish to visit again we would be delighted to see them."
Apart from the celebrities, the book also revealed some unknown details about various politicians including Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.
The missives were variously marked 'sensitive' 'confidential' and 'NOFORN' - which means 'no foreign nationals' "Various contacts referred to Wales as 'our country' to embassy officials on multiple occasions," then US ambassador Louis Susman wrote to former American secretary of state Hilary Clinton.
As managing director of the New Connaught Rooms in London, Arnold played host to the world's leading politicians, royalty and Alist celebrities, including Prince Philip, Hilary Clinton and Mick Jagger.
Kerry has succeeded Hilary Clinton, who completed her tenure last month.
Political stalwart Hilary Clinton, pictured below, may now be heading to the big screen, sharing her life story with the world.