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1. a council area in N Scotland, formed in 1975 (as Highland Region) from Caithness, Sutherland, Nairnshire, most of Inverness-shire, and Ross and Cromarty except for the Outer Hebrides. Administrative centre: Inverness. Pop.: 209 080 (2003 est.). Area: 25 149 sq. km (9710 sq. miles)
2. of, relating to, or denoting the Highlands of Scotland
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Any relatively large area of elevated or mountainous land standing prominently above adjacent low areas.
The higher land of a region.
A lofty headland, cliff, or other high platform.
A dissected mountain region composed of old folded rocks.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



an extensive land area of the earth’s surface that is a combination of tablelands, mountain ranges, and massifs, sometimes alternating with broad flat basins and entirely situated on a greatly elevated undissected pedestal. Examples are the inner areas of Asia Minor, the Armenian Highland, the Iranian Plateau, and Tibet.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
All who read it were delighted with the poems, and said that if there was any more such poetry in the Highlands, it should be gathered together and printed before it was lost and forgotten for ever.
So now people begged Macpherson to travel through the Highlands and gather together as much of the old poetry of the people as he could.
For four months Macpherson wandered about the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, listening to the tales of the people and writing them down.
And what most men believe now is that Macpherson did really gather from among the people of the Highlands many scraps of ancient poetry and tales, but that he added to them and put them together in such a way as to make them beautiful and touching.
Most of the clerks were young men of good families, from the Highlands of Scotland, characterized by the perseverance, thrift, and fidelity of their country, and fitted by their native hardihood to encounter the rigorous climate of the North, and to endure the trials and privations of their lot; though it must not be concealed that the constitutions of many of them became impaired by the hardships of the wilderness, and their stomachs injured by occasional famishing, and especially by the want of bread and salt.
"I don't know what I might have done, if I had ever been in the Highlands," he said.
And now, Spain Greece and Croatia are so impressed with Highland and Islands Enterprise (HIE) they plan to set up similar growth-creating quangos of their own.
Seven new homes have been handed over to The Highland Council and that marks the completion of a 92-home residential development in Balgate Mill, Kiltarlity.
Highland Income Fund (NYSE: HFRO) has announced its USD 0.0770 per share monthly dividend on its common stock, the company said.
Highland Insurance Solutions Launches Contractors Equipment Coverage
Highland City, Megaworld's 24th development, is a partnership between the company and its subsidiary Empire East Land Holdings Inc.