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1. the official report of the proceedings of the British Parliament
2. a similar report kept by other legislative bodies
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Now the whole Hansard is transcribed, edited, and posted to the Internet about two to three hours after the House rises.
I think the Ontario Hansard is the only one where the interpretation is part of the service.
CPR: Earlier in our discussion the common idea that Hansard is verbatim was brought up, but in many cases it's "essentially verbatim." A few years ago in Manitoba, Hansard became embroiled in a political news story where an editing decision was deemed to have cleaned up a minister's remarks in a way the opposition argued was unacceptable..
When the Speaker made the ruling stating Hansard must be 100 per cent verbatim he probably was thinking that it was already almost 100 per cent verbatim.
RS: I actually read a comment by Members saying they were surprised to learn that Hansard had done any editing.
This bill was presented to Parliament by a male Member of Parliament (Hansard 2009).
"With all this hard work, men call women useless" (Hansard August 2001), they stated.
Furthermore, hansard data surveyed showed that women in the parliament pushed forward the concern about the rights of women in family circles.
They said, "We know there is a law of succession, which allows a widow to stay in her home after the death of her husband, but this law is either not known or not complied with" (Hansard August 2001).
They further suggested that the government should provide reproductive health programmes at the place of work to educate employees on proper planning of families (Hansard March 2006).
legislature website's html conversion of historical Hansard; and online historical journals in P.E.I.
(18) John James Magyar "Evolution of Hansard Use at the Supreme Court of Canada: A Comparative Study in Statutory Interpretation" (2012) 33(3) Stat.L.R.