George Grey

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Grey, George


Born Apr. 14, 1812, In Lisbon; died Sept. 19, 1898, in London. British officer and explorer of Australia.

Grey explored the northwestern coast of Australia (Collier Bay region) in 1837–38 and the western coast in 1838–39, where at 25° S lat., traveling northward by sea from the city of Perth, he discovered the Gascoyne River. On the way back, suffering a shipwreck in the vicinity of Geelvink Channel, he discovered to the north of the channel the mouth of the Murchison River (27° 30’ S lat.) and for the first time journeyed by land down the coast to Perth.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
I argue that the combination of ethnographic expertise and governmental power was embodied particularly clearly in the figure of George Grey, who helped consolidate the British settler colonies, and who also provided the British Empire as a whole with a powerful legitimation as a humane form of rule.
This generous gift enabled the Auckland Libraries, Sir George Grey Special Collections, to re-catalogue 2,000 of its books printed between 1468 and 1801.
A later representative was Sir George Grey (MP from 1853-74), who was three times Home Secretary and a member of one of the great political families.
A karakia recorded by Governor George Grey in 1853, tribal origin
Adrian Bottomley, who organised the sale of CDs of Graham's work with Buzzard, Welcome and Ckreed to raise money for a plaque, says the line-up will be George Grey, Geoff Layton Bennett, Steve Carter and John Sunter, with a guest singer.
It was the idea of Sir George Grey, the governor of Cape Colony who favoured a policy of integration, civilisation and religious conversion of the local tribes people, rather than military suppression and control.
Bridesmaids were Elizabeth Foley Bell, Virginia Sudduth Cavender, Claire Long Giachelli, Jennifer George Grey, Christen Sky Joiner, Amy Lafay Richey, and Laura Leigh Smith.
The author includes chapters on seven seminal statues: Thomas Ball's Emancipation Group (1876) and Daniel Chester French's Seated Lincoln (1922), both in Washington, D.C.; Paul Manship's Lincoln the Hoosier Youth (1932) in Fort Wayne, Indiana; George Grey Barnard's Lincoln (1917) in Cincinnati; Augustus Saint-Gaudens's Standing Lincoln (1887) in Chicago; Gutson Borglum's Seated Lincoln (1911) in Newark; and James Earle Fraser's Lincoln (1930) in Jersey City.
PHEASEY PARK FARM: Adrian John Austin Andrew (Con)*; Daniel Barker (Lib Dem); Steven George Grey (UKIP); Douglas James (Lab)
George Grey, with his own boat Sandbarb out of Amble, had two excellent pollack of 9lbs each close inshore.
Initially the collaboration was unproblematic, but with the appointment of George Grey as governor in 1841 the administration's approach began to diverge from that of the missionaries.
Other notable items in the sale include a half-length portrait of Captain the Hon Sir George Grey, KCB, by Romney, and a pencil and chalk sketch of Sir Thomas Lawrence of George, 6th Duke of Argyll, which are expected to sell for up to pounds 30,000 each.