Gamma Spectroscopy

(redirected from Gamma ray detector)
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Gamma Spectroscopy


one of the branches of nuclear spectroscopy; deals with the study of gamma-radiation spectra and the various properties of the excited states of atomic nuclei whose decay is accompanied by the emission of gamma quanta. The task of gamma spectroscopy, like alpha and beta spectroscopy, it to investigate the structure of atomic nuclei. Gamma spectroscopy also analyzes the gamma radiation produced by radioactive decay and nuclear reactions. The gamma-radiation spectra—that is, the energy distribution of the emitted radiation—are measured with gamma spectrometers.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Keywords: Energy calibration, efficiency calibration, gamma spectrometry, high purity germanium gamma ray detector
Trial 1.--In Trial 1, the gamma ray detector was fixed at 82 mm from the plastic container with the [Co.sup.57] source attached to the bottom of the container.
At roughly the same time, a GRANAT telescope and a high-energy gamma ray detector aboard NASA's Gamma Ray Observatory will also study the Annihilator, says James D.
The only gamma ray detector scanning system in Europe will scan the new detectors to help 'read' the signals produced by AGATA so that scientists can understand the properties required to create and sustain life in the Universe.
Further, there is a hierarchy of gamma ray detectors. The simplest can only detect the presence of gamma radiation.
The gamma ray detectors will also pave the way for new applications from diagnostic imaging to nuclear safety controls.
Its x-ray and gamma ray detectors are used for medical imaging, industrial inspections, space exploration, military applications and security screening.
The gamma ray detectors and low noise preamplifiers have been designed to ensure that sources of instrumental noise are small compared to this limit.