Ferdinando Galiani

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Galiani, Ferdinando


Born Dec. 2, 1728, in Chieti. died Sept. 30, 1787, in Naples. Italian bourgeois economist and philosopher, statesman, and abbot. One of the forerunners of the Austrian school.

Galiani asserted that the value of a commodity is determined by its utility. However, his concept of value is contradictory: he tried to deduce the source of a commodity’s value from its utility and from the expenditure of labor that went into its production. Galiani considered questions of monetary theory and international trade. He criticized the physiocratic theory and the policy of free trade.


Trattato della moneta. Naples, 1750.
In Russian translation:
Besedy o torgovle zernom. Kiev, 1891.


Marx, K. Kapital, vol. 1. In K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 23, pp. 84, 99, 100, 110, 164, 169, 325, 658.
Marghieri, A. L’Abate Galiani. … Naples, 1878.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Jose Antonio Galiani, a psychologist who specialises in children, said that it is very rare to find pictures that are so explicit about mistreatment.
Esse estudo de Covarrubias, exposto em seu livro Veterum collatio numismatum--Compilacao das moedas antigas, "foi muito elogiado na Italia por Davanzaty e Galiani e foi tambem citado por Carl Menger em seu livro Principios de Economia Politica" (SOTO, 2008).
If participation in collective action is perceived as protecting or increasing individuals' interests, most people are willing to participate (Anauati, Feld, Galiani, & Torrens, 2016; Pradhan & Ranjan, 2016).
(5.) Elena's reaction to Professor Galiani's invitation to attend a party at her house evidences this: "for me it was as if I were to present myself at the royal palace" (Ferrante, 2013:149).
Kozma & Stones, 1983; Cattaneo, Galiani, Gertler, Martinez, & Titiunik, 2009), commuting time (e.g.
Furthermore, a document posted by Iraqi archeologist Layla Salih (through Lamia Al Galiani Werr) to the ImqCrisis Mailing List on March 24, 2017 shows direct evidence that IS was systematically looting, in particular the Esarhaddon palace under Tell Nebi Yunus at Nineveh.