Gabdul Slanov

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Slanov, Gabdul


Born Sept. 15, 1911, in what is now Kzyl-koginskii Raion, Gur’ev Oblast; died Feb. 17, 1969, in Alma-Ata. Soviet Kazakh writer. Member of the CPSU from 1943.

In 1938, Slanov published the collection of short stories and sketches At the Peak of Life and the novella The Current of Life. He wrote the novels The Steppe (1940; Russian translation, 1958), which dealt with the Civil War (1918–20) in western Kazakhstan, The Fire-breathing Mountain (1945), which described the life of oil workers, and Mountain Stream (1963), which depicted prerevolutionary Semirech’e. He translated A. A. Fa-deev’s novel The Young Guard into Kazakh. Slanov was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.


Shalqar. Alma-Ata, 1954.
Asau arna. Alma-Ata, 1963.
Altay balesï. Alma-Ata, 1973.
In Russian translation:
Privol’e. Moscow, 1953.
Buinoe ruslo. Alma-Ata, 1971.


Qazaqädebietĭnĭng tarikhï, vol. 3, part 1. Alma-Ata, 1967.
Pisateli Kazakhstana. Alma-Ata, 1969.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.