Friedel-Crafts Reaction

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Friedel-Crafts reaction

[frē¦del ′krafs rē‚ak·shən]
(organic chemistry)
A substitution reaction, catalyzed by aluminum chloride in which an alkyl (R‒) or an acyl (RCO‒) group replaces a hydrogen atom of an aromatic nucleus to produce hydrocarbon or a ketone.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Friedel-Crafts Reaction


a method of alkylating and acylating aromatic compounds in the presence of acidic catalysts, such as AlCl3, BF3, ZnCl2, FeCl3, mineral acids, oxides, and cation-exchange resins. The alkylating agents used are alkyl ha-lides, olefins, alcohols, and esters. The acylating agents include carboxylic acids and their acid halides and their anhydrides.

The Friedel-Crafts reaction is a typical electrophilic substitution reaction in the aromatic nucleus; the role of the catalyst amounts to the generation of an attacking particle—an alkyl or acyl cation.

Examples are given below of the interaction of benzene with the ethyl chloride and the acid chloride of acetic acid:

Friedel-Crafts alkylation is used in industry to produce high-octane fuels, antioxidants, surfactants, perfumes, ethylbenzene (starting material in styrene manufacture), and other important products, such as cumene and thymol. Friedel-Crafts acylation is a basic method of synthesizing aromatic and aliphatic-aromatic ketones, many of which are intermediate products in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and various dyes, such as Michler’s ketone.

The Friedel-Crafts reaction was discovered by C. Friedel and J. Crafts in 1877–78.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The crosslinking bonds were formed by a Friedel-Craft reaction by heating to 160[degrees]C and holding for 10 h under vacuum [30].
The crosslinking reaction of SPSF was obtained by a Friedel-Craft reaction at 160[degrees]C between carboxylic acid groups in the TDA and the nucleophilic phenyl rings in the SPSF.