Frances Wright

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Wright, Frances


(Fanny Wright). Born Sept. 6, 1795, in Dundee, Scotland; died Dec. 13, 1852, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Figure of the working-class movement of the USA.

From 1818, except for brief intervals, Wright lived in the United States. In 1825, near Memphis, Tenn., she established a colony of former Negro slaves whose freedom had been bought with her own money (the colony broke up in 1830). At the end of the 1820’s, Wright took an active part in the Working Man’s Party, which was founded in New York. She popularized the ideas of R. Owen’s Utopian socialism and demanded the democratization of the political system of the United States and the introduction of a system of universal public education. Wright played a prominent role in antislavery agitation. She was also one of the first advocates of equal rights for women in the United States.


Waterman, W. Frances Wright. New York, 1924.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Frances Wright, Views of Society and Manners in America (Cambridge, MA, 1963), p.
Sounding like the restless and passionate outsider of the trilogy, this once gossipy woman says, "I couldn't share my happy news with anyone, not even the flaming radical Frances Wright....
White's publisher has circulated an interview with the author wherein he reports that Fanny originated as a device with which he could write about Frances Wright, an important progressive activist whom he admires.
Her decision to leave her husband and go off to America with the reformer Frances Wright to her utopian community, Nashoba, where Wright planned to educate slaves so that they could be responsibly freed, was of course considered shocking by her friends.
FRANCES WRIGHT brushes up on her dental hygiene routine with Colgate's newest electric models WhAt | Is It?
Frances Wright finds a lightweight solution to ease her eczema-prone hands WHAT IS IT?
Steadman's chapters focus on the writings of Amy Morris Bradley, Nancy Prince, Anne Royall, Mary Ann Shadd Cary, Frances Wright, and Julia Archibald Holmes.
ESCAPED: murderer Gordon Topen broke free from two Group 4 security officers at Walsgrave Hospital; FEAR: former lover Frances Wright
The closest thing to arguing for "free love" on the American stage before Woodhull appeared was Frances Wright's argument (in the weekly newspaper she edited in the late 1820s, The Free Enquirer) that women should be able to feel and express the same kind of sexual pleasure that men did.
(OTTAWA) When Frances Wright and her cohorts at the Famous 5 Foundation in Calgary asked audiences at speaking engagements across the country to name people who had an effect on history, names like John A.
Both Kendall and Fisher's "Frances Wright on Women's Rights: Eloquence Versus Ethos" (1974) and Gold's "The Grimke Sisters and the Emergence of the Woman's Rights Movement" (1981) provide further recognition of the animosity faced by female speakers; the latter also making the argument for the recognition of relationship between these orators and those of the later "Woman Movement." Angelina Grimke's rhetorical ability to switch personae is the subject of Japp's more recent article "Esther or Isaiah?: The Abolitionist-Feminist Rhetoric of Angelina Grimke" (1985).
Controversy over women's place in society was stimulated by Frances Wright, who had moved from England to the U.S.