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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city in Liepaja Raion, Latvian SSR. Located on the shore of Durbe Lake, 5 km from the Durbe station on the Riga-Liepaja railroad line; it is on the Riga-Liepaja highway.



a lake in the Latvian SSR. On July 13, 1260, an army of the Samogitians (Žemaiti), a Lithuanian tribe, defeated the combined forces of the Teutonic and Livonian orders on Lake Durbe. In the course of the battle the Kufsiu and the Estonians, who had been impressed into the Livonian Army, struck against their hated masters from the rear and thus contributed to the defeat of the knights. This victory was followed by a new uprising of the Prussians and Lithuanians against the knights, and the German garrisons were driven out of Samogitia (Žemaitja). The Žemgali (Semigallians) and the Kuȓšiu rose against the order as did the Estonians on the island of Saaremaa. An uprising of the Prussians and western Lithuanians broke out against the Teutonic Order and lasted 14 years.


Pashuto, V. T. Obrazovanie Litovskogo gosudarstva. Moscow, 1959. (See index.)
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
RIGA, Aug 8 (LETA) - A tragic accident in Durbe Region stopped all traffic on Liepaja Highway today, the State Police's Kurzeme Region Administration told LETA.
A general Prussian rebellion started in 1260, after the German crusaders' defeat at the Battle of Durbe. Old Prussians in the different regions chose military leaders and began coordinated acts of war.
Saule (1236), Skuodas (1239), Durbe (1260), Lievarde (1261) are just a few of the battles that took place (Suziedielis 2006).
In 1260, July 13 the Samogitians won the victory against the German order at the lake Durbe (Fig.
by Dario Durbe, exhibition catalogue (Rome: De Luca, 1972), pp.