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Related to disassembler: Decompiler


(computer science)
A program that translates machine language into assembly language.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


Software that converts machine language back into assembly language. Since there is no way to determine the human thinking behind the logic of the instructions, the resulting assembly language routines and variables are named and numbered sequentially (A001, A002, etc.). Disassembled code can be very difficult to maintain in its original state; however, the code can be manually renamed for future maintenance. See decompiler.

Hypothetical          HypotheticalHuman-Written         Machine-CreatedAssembler Code        Disassembler Codestart in  quant       R001 in A001
       if  quant>100        if A001>100
       goto bigorder        goto R002
       print "end"          print "end"
       stop                 stop
Copyright © 1981-2019 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.
References in periodicals archive ?
To use the proposed solution, a network traffic disassembler needs to provide a callback function that works in streaming mode, identifying valid opcodes one at a time.
For example, assemblers encode; disassemblers decode; and some profilers do both.
Disassembler. Our infrastructure uses IDA Pro [25], one of the most popular tools for static binary analysis, to disassemble binaries and generate CFGs.
For example, leading logic analyzers offer bus support packages with bus probe adapters and disassemblers.
Many disassemblers refrain from investing in equipment and capabilities that might upgrade the business, e.g.
Environmental issues often fit Dangle's criteria as "funny-slash-tragic," including recycled computer monitors (low-paid Third World disassemblers are exposed to the machines' toxic insides), hydrogen fuel cells (in one proposal, the newest and cleanest technology will be dependent on one of the oldest and dirtiest, oil), and logging in national forests (timber companies propose clearcutting to "salvage" the forest).
In 2038, Frank was sent to prison, not for pirate reading, but for having learned debugging and thoughtware disassemblers.
Disassemblers may be constructed that allow virtually any substance to be broken down into its molecular components.
(47) Not surprisingly, the programs to accomplish this are known as decompilers or disassemblers. The process may often be done in several steps, changing the machine code first to assembly language, and then to a higher-level, more easily understood language.
Disassemblers want them to design machines to be easy to take apart, while materials recyclers wanted them to use fewer materials, including a limited number and color of plastic resins.