The King will then glide over something soft, which he likes very much, and he will be so pleased with that that he will not devour you.
Every year you must bring me from among your people twelve youths and twelve maidens, that I may devour them.
One night when Taug lay sleepless looking up at the starry heavens he recalled the strange things that Tarzan once had suggested to him--that the bright spots were the eyes of the meat-eaters waiting in the dark of the jungle sky to leap upon Goro, the moon, and devour him.
Soon Goro will be devoured by Numa and we shall have no more light after Kudu seeks his lair.
All that night the creature pursued its lonely way, and the next day it halted only to make a single kill, which it tore to fragments and
devoured with sullen, grumbling rumbles as though half famished for lack of food.
So saying, the king looked cruel enough to
devour Theseus and all the rest of the captives himself, had there been no Minotaur to save him the trouble.
Colin held out his hand with a sort of flushed royal shyness but his eyes quite
devoured her face.
devoured my little daughter, my child, my only child!
You have
devoured all when you were standing godmother.
Even the bark that once clung to the wood we use for fuel has been gnawed off and
devoured by the captain's pig; and so long ago, too, that the pig himself has in turn been
Hitherto the smallest details of the operation had been daily chronicled by the journals, which the public
devoured with eager eyes.
He clung to one idea -- that of his happiness, destroyed, without apparent cause, by an unheard-of fatality; he considered and reconsidered this idea,
devoured it (so to speak), as the implacable Ugolino
devours the skull of Archbishop Roger in the Inferno of Dante.