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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a genus of perennial grasses of the family Labiatae. The only species of Lamium is yellow dead nettle (L. galeobdolon, formerly Galeobdolon luteum), a downy plant with ovoid dentate leaves. The flowers are bilabiate with yellow crowns. Lamium grows in deciduous forests, in shrubbery, and by the edges of forests in Europe and Asia (in the Caucasus and Iran).



(dead nettle), a genus of plants of the family Labiatae. The plants are annual, biennial, or perennial herbs with toothed entire leaves. The white, pink, or purple flowers are in false whorls and are situated in the axils of the upper leaves. The fruit consists of four three-angled nutlets. There are 40 to 50 species, distributed in Europe, nontropical Asia, and North Africa. About 15 species occur in the USSR. The white dead nettle (L.album) yields a substantial amount of nectar (seeWHITE DEAD NETTLE). Another important nectar-bearer is L. purpureum, which grows in deciduous forests and on mountain slopes. L.amplexicaule is a weed. Several species, including L. maculatum, are cultivated as ornamentals.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
I think this recommendation should be used with care, as in the well composted soil of a potato patch, the Deadnettle could become invasive.
Lamium amplexicaule L.: henbit deadnettle. Infrequent in moist wood edges and on lawns; 55; +&.
Skunk cabbage, snowdrops, aconites, snow crocus, iris reticulata, silver and red maples, common chickweed, midseason crocus, dandelion (first blooms), deadnettle, whitlow grass, snow trillium, periwinkle, violet cress, squills, early jonquils, harbinger of spring, coltsfoot.
10: Chickweed, deadnettle and dandelions usually bloom near this date along the 40th Parallel.
11th: In milder years, the foliage of crocus, columbine, purple deadnettle, catnip, forget-me-not, garlic mustard, dandelion, wild onion, celandine, hemlock and henbit expands slowly between cold fronts, revealing the often-overlooked season of green winter leaves.