Because initial BLASTn searches showed that all sequences were most closely related to members of the Bryopsidales or
Dasycladales, all sequences were aligned using ClustalX (Larkin et al., 2007), with a selection of 76 rbcL ulvophycean sequences obtained from GenBank, plus 21 previously published rbcL sequences amplified from E.
Classification criteria of fossil
Dasycladales. In Fossil Algae (Flugel, E., ed.), pp.
Bioclasts are constituted of small and large agglutinated forams and miliolids and fragments of gastropods, echinoderms, bivalves and
dasycladales. The foraminifers Alveosepta and Nautiloculina have been distinguished.
Bryopsidales: Caulerpaceae Gmelin) Howe, 1905 Chlorophyta: Bryopsidophyceae: Halimeda discoidea Descaine, Bryopsidales: Halimedaceae 1842 Chlorophyta: Ulvophyceae: Rhizoclonium lubricum Setchell Cladophorales: Cladophoraceae & Gardner, 1819 as Lola lubrica Cladophora crystallina (Roth) Kutzing, 1843 Chlorophyta: Ulvophyceae: Parvocaulis parvulus (Solms-
Dasycladales: Polyphysaceae Laubach) Berger, Fettweiss, Gleissberg, Liddle, Richter, Sawitsky & Zuccarello, 2003 Chlorophyta: Ulvophyceae: Cladophoropsis gracillima Siphonocladales: Boodleacea Dawson, 1950 Phyllodictyon sp.
It would require a 40-page treatise to explain why the algal affinity seems most likely, but here's the bottom line: after careful study of many fossils, especially internal structure and manner of growth, most experts now agree that receptaculitids represent an extinct group distantly related to a type of modern marine mineral-secreting green algae called the
Estas angiospermas estuvieron acompanadas principalmente por macroalgas rizofiticas de los ordenes Bryopsidales,
Dasycladales y Cladophorales (Chlorophyta), asi como del Orden Ceramiales (Rhodophyta).
(2007): New genera of late Visean metaspondyl
dasycladales from the Fuenteobejuna section (Mississippian of the Guadiato Valley, southwestern Spain).
Skeletal debris of some heavily calcified macroalgae, like members of the extant orders
Dasycladales among Chlorophyta (green algae) and Corallinales among Rhodophyta (red algae), abound in some intervals of sedimentary rocks.
Agardh) Kutzing E&W DIVISION CHLOROPHYTA Order Ulotrichales Family Ulotrichaceae Ulothrix flacca (Dilwyn) Thuret E&W Order
Dasycladales Family Polyphysaceae Polyphysa polyphysoides (P.
Joly & Bernat Penicillus capitatus Lamouroux X
Dasycladales Dasycladaceae Batophora oerstedii J.
Other studies described lateral relationship between the Leza Fm and the Enciso Gr describing the sporadic occurrence of
dasycladales (calcareous algae) and foraminifers, considering it as Barremian-Aptian in age (Alonso and Mas, 1993; Suarez-Gonzalez et al.