Corinthian War

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Corinthian War


(395–387 B.C.), a war between a coalition of Greek city-states, including Thebes, Argos, Corinth, Athens, Elis, Acarnania, and Megara, and the Peloponnesian League, headed by Sparta.

The Corinthian War broke out as a result of the desire of the economically and politically developed Greek city-states to free themselves from Spartan hegemony. At first the anti-Spartan coalition was financed by Persia, which was at war with Sparta from 399. In 394 a navy built with Persian money and commanded by the Athenian Conon defeated the Spartans near Cnidus. In 394 the successes of the anti-Spartan alliance near Coronea and on the isthmus caused Persia to begin supporting Sparta out of fear that Athens would become too strong. Depletion of its finances and the incipient break-up of the alliance forced Athens to accept peace conditions dictated by Persia (387 or 386), known as the Peace of Antalcidas.


Pozdeeva, I. “Vneshniaia politika Afin v 394–386 gg. do n.e.” Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1959, no. 1.
Cloché, P. La Politique étrangère d’Athénes de 404 à 338 avant I. C. Paris, 1934.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Sparta's authority was challenged in the so-called Corinthian War (395-387) when Persian gold helped unite Athens with Sparta's former allies.
He covers Sparta's overseas battles and the Corinthian War 400-387; Chalcidian, Boeotian, and Spartan wars around the Mediterranean Sea 386-360; the rise of Macedonia and the conquest of Greece and sacred, Persian, and Sicilian wars 359-336; battles in the era of Alexander the Great 335-324; and battles of his successors 323-301.
For more than a decade surrounding the Corinthian War (395-387 B.C.), the Spartans and their allies laid waste regularly to the Corinthian countryside, burning crops, stealing livestock, and driving residents from their homes.
The standard of scholarship is again excellent, while the range of areas and topics is awesome: Sparta, Persia, the Corinthian War, Sicily, the Second Athenian Confederacy, Thebes, regional surveys of the Persian empire (Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Judah, Cyprus and Phoenicia, Egypt), Carthage, South Italy, Celtic Europe, Illyrians, Thracians, Scythia and the Crimea, Mediterranean communications, social .
Principal wars: Corinthian War (395-387); Theban War of Independence (379-371); Social War (358-355).
Principal wars: Peloponnesian War (431-404); Corinthian War (395-387).
Principal wars: Corinthian War (395-386); Social War (358-355).