cone of silence

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cone of silence

[′kōn əv ′sī·ləns]
A cone-shaped region, directly over the antenna of a radio-beacon transmitter, in which no signal is detected.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

cone of silence

cone of silence
i. An inverted cone-shaped space directly over the aerial towers of some forms of radio beacons, in which signals are unheard or greatly reduced in volume.
ii. In some repeater installations using high-gain antennae, located above the level of average terrain, a cone of silence exists under the antennae. This zone may extend outward for several miles in all directions at ground level. This makes a nearby repeater useless.
iii. An approximately coned-shaped extent of space extending from a radar transmitting set and through which pulses are not sent because of inadequate antenna coverage.
An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
References in periodicals archive ?
I blogged next about the controversy over whether McCain had heard some of the questions during the Saddleback event when he was supposed to be in the "cone of silence." I noted that the McCain campaign could eliminate any conspiratorial thinking if it just said: "We'll tell you who the senator was with and what they talked about during the Obama portion of the program." Jay had a clever (but meritless) rejoinder posting called "You Have the Right to Remain Silent." And people started arguing with both of us on that point, although majority sentiment was on my side.
Directed by Peter Segal, Get Smart incorporates many familiar characters and gizmos from the TV series including Max's shoe phone and the so-called Cone Of Silence, which allows CONTROL operatives to talk to one another without being overheard.
Get Smart incorporates many characters and gizmos from the TV series, including Max's shoe phone and Cone Of Silence, which both malfunction with predictably embarrassing consequences.
They managed to have several of his articles taken off the Internet, and the cone of silence regarding his homosexuality was proving effective, if excruciating for Hunt.
Monte Solberg, one of the many leftover Reform Party of Canada members in the new government's caucus, pried open the industrial strength cone of silence that the Conservative Party of Canada had imposed on its candidates for most of the campaign just long enough to throw everything into confusion.
There is a cone of silence around physical abnormality, no matter its cause or course.
Negative trends like burnout, teacher isolation, kids falling through the cracks, miseducative teaching practices and a diminished sense of professionalism can result from this time-honored classroom cone of silence. There are also missed opportunities, including learning from colleagues, sharing resources, peer review, enhanced professionalism, playing a role in curriculum decisions and teachers uniting to fight for better working conditions.
In the short run, the Cone of Silence did most damage at the Centers for Disease Control.
He finally lifted the cone of silence on Federated's "store of the future" and disclosed to Women's Wear Daily, HFN's sister publication, details of the long-awaited project.
The parties involved essentially enter a cone of silence and can't talk to their colleagues, including fellow truth-seeking journalists, about what the heck is going on.
The Japanese General Staff heard of only the first landing on the continent and, as a cone of silence descended, it decided the campaign was a failure and ceased operations.
And what amazed some of them was the fact that the so-called 'Cone of Silence' wasn't as sound-proof as viewers were led to believe.